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News Education Tuesday, Apr 21 2015

Rarely Is the Question Asked: Is Our Children Learning?

The right-wing attack dogs have it out for Jeb on education, and the governor is running for the hills. Once seen as a part of his platform he would highlight, Jeb's support for Common Core has provided fertile ground for conservatives to sully his record. But instead of taking the principled position and arguing his case, Bush has caved completely.

News Education Tuesday, Dec 2 2014

NEW VIDEO — Vitter Hypocrisy Alert: Common Core

Sen. David Vitter made headlines yesterday when he announced his new-found distaste for Common Core standards. The flip-flop by Vitter…

News Thom Tillis Education Tuesday, Sep 16 2014

Thom Tillis to Campaign with Fellow Education Raider, Chris Christie

The Thom Tillis campaign is in freefall. For months and months, conventional wisdom had pegged North Carolina as one of Republicans' best pickup opportunities in the Senate. But disarray in Raleigh under the House Speaker's leadership, a disastrous budget overhaul that gutted education spending to give massive cuts to the wealthy, and a sustained disrespect toward women have left Tillis in a decisive hole. Four separate polls came out this week showing Hagan up by an average of over 5 points, leading even a GOP pollster to say, "the race has unmistakably shifted towards Sen. Hagan in recent days." So Tillis is calling in some help to stop the bleeding, in the form of one-time GOP presidential frontrunner Chris Christie. Well the two should have plenty to talk about. They can talk about budget problems. They can talk about ethics questions. But most importantly, they can talk about how each of them took an axe to funding for education, hurting schools and angering constituents. Thom Tillis has a lot to learn about putting his constituents first. Chris Christie is the least qualified person to teach him.

The Wire Thom Tillis Education Wednesday, May 21 2014

Thom Tillis: Clueless On North Carolina Teacher Pay

Since Thom Tillis became Speaker in of the North Carolina House of Representatives, teachers have suffered. Proving his extreme conservative…

The Wire Scott Walker Education Tuesday, May 6 2014

Scott Walker's Other Message to Teachers

Scott Walker was quick to use National Thank a Teacher Day today as an excuse for some election year pandering to educators. But Walker's other messages to Wisconsin teachers have been far from affectionate. Did Wisconsin teachers feel appreciated when Scott Walker signed into effect the largest education cuts in the state's history? What about when Walker limited their collective bargaining rights and forced them to pay more for their retirement and health care? Walker has even been called out for demonizing teachers.

News Education Environment Jobs Taxes Tuesday, Jan 28 2014

Rick Scott's 2014 Budget: A Textbook Case Of Election Year Pandering

As Governor Rick Scott delivers his 2014-2015 budget address, Floridians would do well to see Scott’s budget for what it is: A textbook case of election year pandering. While Scott’s budget plans included hundreds of millions of dollars in vague tax breaks for special interests and dramatic cuts to various revenue sources, the Tea Party governor has also discovered an election year infatuation with spending on Everglades reconstruction, child welfare, and teacher pay raises. Scott’s predilection for election year pandering is nothing new, but the extent of it in his latest budget proposal is staggering. Scott Has A History Of Election Year Pandering (VIDEO). According to a news segment highlighting clips of Governor Rick Scott, Scott has a history of election-year pandering. In the clip, a FOX reporter states of Scott: “He’s the Tea Party Republican who slashed school funding then raised it as he prepared for re-election, after he tied teacher pay to performance, before giving out raises regardless of performance.”

News Education Tuesday, Dec 17 2013

VIDEO: "Great Job" — The loooong list of scandals/resignations under Rick Scott

Adam Hollingsworth, Steve McNamara, Tony Bennett, David Wilkins, Hunting Deutsch, Jennifer Carroll... the list of scandals and/or resignations from Rick Scott's administration is disturbingly long. Perhaps the only things more alarming than Scott's obviously flawed judgment when filling his administration are his repeated assertions that the aforementioned staffers were doing a "great job" while being consumed by controversy.

News Education Health Care Thursday, Aug 22 2013

VIDEO: Christie & Lonegan: We "believe in so many of the same things"

During his endorsement event on Tuesday, Gov. Chris Christie heaped praise on New Jersey Republican Senate candidate Steve Lonegan. "I am proud to have him as our candidate for the United States Senate," Christie said. "Steve and I have believed and still believe in so many of the same things." So what exactly was Christie endorsing? Here's American Bridge's newest video:

News Education Monday, Aug 5 2013

VIDEO: Rick Scott/Tony Bennett: Together in Scandal

Things just keep getting worse for Gov. Rick Scott. Tony Bennett, Gov. Scott's handpicked Education Commissioner resigned last week after…

News Education Friday, Apr 12 2013

Chris Christie's Big Bucks Hypocrisy

Where are Chris Christie's priorities?

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