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News Climate Change Thursday, Dec 31 2015

The Year Trump Took Over, Pt. 5: Anti-Science Climate Change Denial

Earlier this month leaders from 195 countries celebrated the adoption of a historic, years-in-the-making agreement formalizing a global commitment to cut greenhouse…

News Climate Change Tuesday, Dec 1 2015

GOP Field On Climate Change: I Don't Understand The Problem And I Won't Respond To It

If you're a Republican running for president, you're more likely than not a climate change-denier. And if you do recognize…

Big Oil Ally Kelly Ayotte Acts The Environmentalist

Facing a tough reelection challenge from Governor Maggie Hassan, perennial Big Oil ally and beneficiary Kelly Ayotte is making herself out to…

News Climate Change Tuesday, Sep 29 2015

Jeb Bush's Energy Plan: Just Another Republican Big Oil Giveway

Already being compared to "Mitt Romney's energy platform," Jeb Bush is rolling out his energy plan in Pittsburgh this afternoon.…

News Climate Change Friday, Sep 25 2015

The GOP Gives Pope Francis The Cold Shoulder

From the very start of Pope Francis' first visit to the United States, GOP presidential candidates and members of Congress have…

News Climate Change Monday, Jun 22 2015

Republicans Fight Losing Battle With Pope On Climate Change

Republicans like Jeb Bush and Rick Santorum -- and the Koch brothers -- ignored the writing on the wall when they fought a losing battle with Pope Francis and the reams of science behind human-caused climate change. Instead, they took on more than they could chew and made sure their climate change denialism will be a major issue this election. Here's what happens when you're on the losing side of an argument with the pope: Washington Post: How Climate-Change Doubters Lost a Papal Battle. “Yet the battle lost over climate change also suggests how hard it may be for critics to blunt the power of a man who has become something of a juggernaut in an institution where change tends to unfold over decades, even centuries. More than anything, to those who doubt the human impact of global warming, the position staked out by Francis in his papal document, known as an encyclical, means a major defeat…

News Energy Thursday, May 14 2015

Jeb 'Lose the Primary to Win General' Bush Reverses Position on Yucca Mountain

Shot: May 13, 2015: Bush Opposes Yucca Mountain "The ex-Florida governor told reporters after a Reno town hall meeting Wednesday he…

News Environment Wednesday, May 13 2015

ICYMI: Jeb Backed Yucca Mountain

As he campaigns in Nevada, a reminder of Jeb Bush's record of supporting Yucca Mountain, the latest in a long line of positions that would hurt the same people he wants to vote for him:

During this same period, Bush signed letters opposing interim waste sites, including joining a bipartisan group of 17 governors in 2006 in a letter to Congress that argued it was "a giant step backward for ratepayers in our states and others who have contributed more than $14 billion into the Nuclear Waste Fund."

What's more, those emails Bush recently released show he was fully briefed on Yucca Mountain during this time, so he shouldn;t have a reason to study it now...Bush can't avoid his past on the repository, which was finally approved by a guy with the same last name in the White House.I don't believe in the sins of the brother being visited on the brother, but Jeb appears to have had the same position as W.

Jeb was once part of nuclear industry group pushing Yucca Mountain

News Climate Change Tuesday, May 12 2015

Denial Is No Longer Just a River in Egypt: Johnson Gets Chippy with Constituent on Climate Change

Renowned climate skeptic Ron Johnson brought us a full plate of irrationality Saturday in Sherwood, Wisconsin, arguing with a constituent…

News Joni Ernst Environment Friday, Oct 10 2014

Joni Ernst and the Kochs want to dismantle the Clean Water Act

Joni Ernst is preparing for a big debate, but before she takes the stage, let's take a look at who she would really represent in the Senate. According to audio released from the Kochs' secretive donor summit, Iowa Senate candidate Joni Ernst gushed that the Koch brothers' donor network is to thank for her political "trajectory." Ernst went on to attribute the Kochs' backing to her support for "rolling back... rules and regulations." It's an apt observation from Koch Crony Joni, who has gone so far as to oppose the Clean Water Act, a critical environmental protection that Koch Industries and its subsidiaries have run afoul of no less than 18 times in the Hawkeye State alone. Earlier this year, while campaigning for the Republican party nomination for Iowa's open Senate seat, Ernst said that she considers the Clean Water Act to be "damaging" to business and that she supports replacing it with "voluntary measures." The extreme remark even rankled members of her own party, with Republican operatives citing her opposition to the longstanding, successful environmental protection as proof positive that she had tacked too hard to the far right. Despite the push back it received from some establishment Republicans, Ernst's rant against the Clean Water Act is a perfect example of the type of anti-regulation rhetoric that, as she herself speculated, likely piqued the Kochs' attention.

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