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News Environment Wednesday, Aug 31 2011

Rep. Allen West Criticizes Bachmann For Wanting To Drill In The Everglades

On August 30, 2011, the Palm Beach Post reported that "U.S. Rep. Allen West told a town hall audience today that Republican presidential hopeful Michele Bachmann made 'an incredible faux pas' when she said she is open to allowing drilling for oil and natural gas in the Everglades if it can be done safely." West also said he'd "straigten her out" on the issue.

Wednesday, Aug 24 2011

Washington Times: Ties to coal industry rise as issue for Allen

On August 24, 2011 The Washington Times reported:   When the Environmental Protection Agency announced new smokestack standards for coal-burning…

AB Leadership Climate Change Tuesday, Aug 23 2011

Plain Dealer: GOP U.S. Senate Candidate Kevin Coughlin Calls Global Warming Science 'Sketchy'

On August 22, the Cleveland Plain Dealer reported:

A Democratic super PAC called American Bridge 21st Century sent a videographer to an Aug. 18 appearance that Coughlin made before a Strongsville tea party group called Strong Ohio. It filmed Coughlin calling the science behind global warming "sketchy," and rhetorically declaring: "I would ask the people in Pompeii who are frozen like this if an act of Congress could change their situation."

News Climate Change Economy Health Care Friday, Aug 19 2011

MEMO: Rick Perry: The Great Campaigner?

Last week, Texas Governor Rick Perry burst onto the GOP Presidential scene, managing to step all over the Ames straw poll by making his official announcement the same day.

By waiting until after the straw poll to enter the race, Perry avoided answering the tough questions that voters care about. Rather than use his first week in the race to show Americans where he stands on today's most pressing issues, he upstaged himself with a series of gaffes and extreme statements, revealing that he's just not ready for prime time.

Wednesday, Aug 17 2011

Rick Perry Accuses Scientists Of Manipulating Climate Data

On August 17, 2011, Texas Gov. Rick Perry called climate change "a scientific theory that has not been proven," and accused scientists of manipulating the data in order to secure funding:

PERRY: "You may have a point there because, I do believe that the issue of global warming has been politicized. I think there are a substantial number of scientists who have manipulated data, so that they will have dollars rolling into their, to their projects. I think we're seeing almost weekly or even daily scientists who are coming forward and questioning, the original idea that man-made global warming is what is causing the climate to change. Yes, our climate's changed, it's been changing for ever-ever since the earth was formed, but I do not buy into that uh, a group of scientists, who have in some cases found to be manipulating this information and the cost to the country and to the world of implementing these uh, uh anti-carbon programs is in the billions if not trillions of dollars at the end of the, of the day, and I don't think from my perspective I want America to be engaged in spending that much money on still a scientific theory that has not been proven, and from my perspective is more and more being put into question."

Thursday, Aug 11 2011

MEMO: Questions For The Republican Debate

During tonight’s debate the American people will see the Republican candidates firsthand and will get a glimpse at the positions and ideology driving the field. Over the last few months, as they have scrambled further and further to the right, American Bridge’s research and tracking has documented the candidates adopting positions that are: hypocritical (Romney and taxes), evasive (Huntsman and Libya) and just downright out of the mainstream (Bachmann and contraceptives). Yet tonight, as the candidates face a national audience, and not solely a fawning crowd of TEA party activists, the nation will see if they will maintain their extreme positions as the candidates attempt to answer the following questions...

News Energy Tuesday, Jun 21 2011

Washington Post: Allen’s position on ethanol has changed — again

On June 20, 2011, the Washington Post reported:

But it turns out Allen hadn’t “long maintained” his view on ethanol. To adapt a phrase from another famous candidate, Allen was against ethanol before he was for it before he was against it.

News Energy Taxes Sunday, Jun 12 2011

Huntsman Refuses To Sign Pledges…Except When He Signs Pledges

Huntsman: “I Don't Sign Pledges -- Other Than The Pledge Of Allegiance And A Pledge To My Wife.” According to The Hill, "Jon Huntsman explain[ed] why he won't sign any of the growing number of pledges; 'I don't sign pledges -- other than the Pledge of Allegiance and a pledge to my wife.' Huntsman said. He says he told [South Carolina Senator Jim] DeMint 'You just have to understand that's where I come down.'" [The Hill, 7/12/11] More research after the jump

Saturday, May 7 2011

AP: Snowe, facing primary fight, shifts to right on votes

On May 7, 2011, the Associated Press reported:

Maine’s Olympia Snowe has long thrived as one of the Senate’s leading GOP moderates, but she has recently sided with Tea Party movement activists on high-profile votes as she braces for a primary challenge from the right. Such votes could help Snowe fend off conservatives who mock her as a RINO — Republican In Name Only — and hope to sink her bid for a fourth term next year. Snowe insisted she has been true to her moderate roots. “I am who I am,’’ Snowe said. “I haven’t changed.’’

News Climate Change Environment Saturday, Jan 1 2011

Mitt Romney On Climate Change

Romney Said Obama’s Promotion Of Cap And Trade “Tax” Dissuaded “Expansion By Employers In The Energy Sector.” Romney wrote, “Promoting an open-ended cap-and-trade tax dissuades expansion by employers in the energy sector.” [Romney Op-Ed, Boston Globe, 8/18/10] Romney: Close Down Any Talk Of Cap And Trade And Expand Our Commitment To Nuclear And Natural Gas. Romney wrote, “Close down any talk of carbon cap-and-trade. It will burden consumers and employers with billions in new costs. Instead, greatly expand our commitment to natural gas and nuclear, boosting jobs now and reducing the export of energy jobs and dollars later.” [Romney Op-Ed, USA Today, 12/3/09]

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