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Foreign Policy

News Foreign Policy Jobs Trade Friday, Jul 15 2011

Romney Attacked Obama For Being Soft On Chinese Trade, Yet Opposes Steel And Tire Tariffs

Romney Accused Obama Of Not Taking China “To The Mat” On Trade. According to the Eagle Tribune, “He also was critical of Obama over trade with China.’ The President said he would take China to the mat,’ Romney said. ‘He's been taken to the door mat instead. I won't let that happen.’” [Eagle Tribune, 7/15/11] More research after the jump

AB Leadership Foreign Policy Thursday, May 26 2011

POLITICO: Iraq, Iran…

On May 26, 2011, POLITICO reported:

A trail goof for Pawlenty, who fielded a question on Iran policy with an answer on Iraq policy in a video sent over by the new Democratic group American Bridge, in what seems to be its first tracking hit:
Transcript after the jump.

News Scott Brown Foreign Policy Thursday, May 5 2011

Boston Globe: Brown admits he was fooled by fake pictures of bin Laden body

On May 4, 2011, the Boston Globe reported:

US Senator Scott Brown said in several televised interviews today that he had seen perhaps the most controversial and closely guarded photos in the world: those showing Osama bin Laden’s dead body. Brown, a member of the Senate Armed Services Committee, suggested he had viewed them as part of an official briefing, and he argued that they were too graphic to be released to the public and could enflame terrorists. Oops. Brown later acknowledged that he had fallen victim to a hoax, apparently the same doctored images that were making the rounds on the Internet.

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