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News Health Care Thursday, Feb 9 2012

Think Progress: Mitt Romney Is Financially Invested In The Birth Control He Seeks To Restrict

On February 8, 2012 Think Progress reported:

Now, an examination of Romney’s financial investments reveals that the very same GOP frontrunner who is now petitioning the White House to extend the regulation’s conscience clause and exclude more women from the benefits of birth control is himself invested in and profiting from pharmaceutical companies that produce the frequently prescribed and extremely common medication:

News Health Care Friday, Jan 13 2012

WSJ: Wall Street, Washington And Gingrich

On January 13, 2012, the Wall Street Journal reported:

Newt Gingrich and his consulting companies helped financial-services giant Credit Suisse Group gather exclusive Washington information and analysis, showing that the Republican presidential candidate benefited from a practice that has come under fire from lawmakers. This "political intelligence" business—while legal—also risks muddying the campaign argument by the former House speaker that he has been a Washington outsider since he left Congress in 1999.

News Health Care Wednesday, Dec 28 2011

WSJ: Gingrich Applauded Romney's Health Plan

On December 27, 2011, the Wall Street Journal reported:

Newt Gingrich voiced enthusiasm for Mitt Romney's Massachusetts health-care law when it was passed five years ago, the same plan he has been denouncing over the past few months as he campaigned for the Republican presidential nomination.

AB Leadership Health Care Friday, Dec 16 2011

TPM: Romney, Who Says He Didn’t Fully Understand Medicaid, Bought A Hospital Company At Bain

On December 16, 2011, Talking Points Memo reported:

Mitt Romney took a turn for the folksy in Iowa on Friday, telling an audience that, like many people, he didn’t fully understand what Medicaid did until late in life. “You know, I have to admit, I didn’t know the differences between all these things until I got into government,” Romney said. “Then I got into it and I understood that Medicaid is the health care program for the poor, by and large.” It’s a bit of an odd claim considering that Romney, while at Bain Capital, led a $311 million buyout of a huge hospital business that drew its income primarily from health care entitlements.

News Economy Health Care Monday, Dec 12 2011

VIDEO: Romney's Washington Examiner Editorial Board Interview – Best Of

Last week, Mitt Romney spoke at length with the editorial board of the Washington Examiner. American Bridge compiled a video of the best moments. Take a look.

News Health Care Tuesday, Dec 6 2011

VIDEO: Will Romney Run From His '07 RJC Speech?

On December 7, Mitt Romney is addressing the Republican Jewish Coalition's Republican Presidential Candidates Forum in Washington, DC. When addressing the same group during his last run for the White House in 2007, Romney lauded his health care plan and insinuated it should be a model for national health care reform (as he has done on numerous occasions). Will he say the same thing this year?

News Health Care Thursday, Nov 10 2011

Journal Sentinel: Tommy Thompson pushes for focus on adult stem cells

On November 9, 2011, the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel reported:

A decade after he helped persuade a president to allow funding of some embryonic stem cell research, Tommy Thompson, the former Wisconsin governor and presumptive U.S. Senate candidate, paid a visit to the Vatican on Wednesday to deliver a very different message. In Rome, Thompson, who is Roman Catholic, portrayed himself as a strong proponent of adult stem cells - cells that aren't culled from embryos - while appearing to brush aside the embryonic stem cell research he once defended.

News Education Health Care Monday, Oct 10 2011

Missoulian: Rehberg’s budget plan assailed by Democrats and conservatives alike

On October 9, 2011, the Missoulian reported:

As he oversees U.S. House Republicans' draft of the federal government's 2012 health and education budgets, Montana Rep. Denny Rehberg finds himself hip-deep in the Washington, D.C., political fray, defending a $153 billion plan that's drawing fire from all sides.

News Education Health Care Sunday, Oct 9 2011

Helena IR: Rehberg in the thick of budget fray

On October 9, 2012 the Helena Independent Record reported:

As he oversees U.S. House Republicans’ draft of the federal government’s 2012 health and education budgets, Montana Rep. Denny Rehberg finds himself hip-deep in the Washington, D.C., political fray, defending a $153 billion plan that’s drawing fire from all sides. The proposal — unveiled last week — would torpedo virtually all funding for the Obama Administration’s health reform law, including additional money for community health clinics across Montana; ax federal money for two dozen family planning clinics in the state; reduce funds for Pell grants that help low-income students pay college tuition; and scale back money for home-heating assistance. Those and other cutbacks have prompted Democrats to say the “Rehberg budget” unduly targets women, families, students and workers.

AB Leadership Health Care Wednesday, Sep 14 2011

Bloomberg: Perry’s Merck Donations Raise Questions About Vaccine Mandate

"Texas Governor Rick Perry ‘s decision to require pre-teen girls to be vaccinated against a virus that causes cervical cancer has ignited debate over whether the presidential hopeful used his office to do favors for political allies. Perry, who is seeking the Republican presidential nomination, received at least $23,500 in campaign contributions from drug-maker Merck & Co., including $5,000 in 2006, the year before he ordered girls throughout the state to take a new Merck vaccine. The drug-maker also has donated about $500,000 to the Republican Governors Association, a group which Perry headed twice and has been among his most generous campaign donors...
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