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Health Care

News Health Care Thursday, Dec 3 2015

Sen. Toomey Would Take Away Health Care From 2.6 Million Pennsylvanians

Senator Pat Toomey and Senate Republicans are set to repeal Medicaid expansion and defund Planned Parenthood, taking away healthcare coverage from 2.6 million…

News Health Care Thursday, Dec 3 2015

Sen. Portman Would Take Away Health Care From Nearly 3 Million Ohioans

Senator Rob Portman and Senate Republicans are set to repeal Medicaid expansion as well as defund Planned Parenthood, taking away healthcare coverage…

News Kelly Ayotte Health Care Wednesday, Dec 2 2015

Sen. Ayotte Will Vote To Slash Life-Saving Substance Abuse Funding

Today, Senator Kelly Ayotte said she will vote with Senate Republicans to repeal Medicaid expansion and defund Planned Parenthood, taking away healthcare…

News Health Care Thursday, Oct 15 2015

"Being Like Romney Is A Good Thing, Right?" — Jeb Bush, Probably

Yesterday morning, Marco Rubio joined his mentor Jeb Bush in criticizing the "free stuff" strategy. Apparently Jeb saw that as an opening…

News Health Care Wednesday, Oct 14 2015

Marco Rubio Goes Romney & Jeb On "Free Stuff"

Marco Rubio this morning described last night's Democratic primary debate as a:   [D]ebate about who was going to give away the…

Tuesday, Sep 22 2015

WATCH: The GOP's Plan To Steal & Erase Healthcare For Millions

The GOP field relies on disingenuous, anti-Affordable Care Act red meat to generate outrage and rile up their base. But…

Wednesday, Aug 19 2015

Sorry, Scotty, No One's Impressed By Your Health Care Plan

Scott Walker isn't winning any friends after releasing his "new" (read: same old GOP plan as always) health care "plan"…

News Economy Education Health Care Tuesday, Jun 30 2015

MEMO/VIDEO: Bully Seeking Pulpit

Chris Christie enters the race as a brazen, outspoken bully hoping to use the 2016 pulpit to pull his GOP opponents like Jeb Bush further to the extreme right. With nine credit downgrades and a 30 percent approval rating under his belt, Christie has made the calculation that his charming personality alone won’t do the trick in the wake of Bridgegate. American Bridge is also releasing a new video that shows Christie is now aligning himself with the extreme wing of his party in an attempt to gain traction.

News Health Care LGBTQ+ Monday, Jun 29 2015

Bridge Brief — Week of June 29th, 2015

The Supreme Court last week did what the Republican Party refuses to: It respected the Affordable Care Act as the law of the land and deemed it unconstitutional to ban people the right to marry based on their sexual orientation. The momentous decisions will continue to ripple into the campaigns of those running for the White House this week, putting in stark relief the GOP's inability to offer positions and policies that reflect the direction America is moving, not the way they hoped it was. None of the GOP's leading presidential candidates celebrated the decision to legalize gay marriage. Their responses ranged from woefully tepid (see Jeb Bush's contradictory statement on preserving the freedom to discriminate based on sexual orientation) to the laughably extreme (see Bobby Jindal's suggestion to eliminate the court). In the week ahead we can expect more of the same, as the GOP further reinforces their image as hopelessly out of touch. It's not just about Scott Walker proposing a constitutional amendment -- all it's going to take is one question for Chris Christie about Social Security and we'll see his announcement transform into an anchor for the whole party.

Saturday, Jun 27 2015

What To Expect At The Western Conservative Summit

The long road to the Republican nomination is winding through America’s highest-profile home for Illuminati and Reptoids this week with Scott Walker, Rick Perry, Carly Fiorina, Rick Santorum, Mike Huckabee and more attending the Western Conservative Summit.  Here’s what to expect from this weekend’s cattle call:

1. The New GOP Litmus Test:  Gay Marriage

The Western Conservative Summit made news earlier this year when they barred the Log Cabin Republicans from attending their conference, but their backwards attitude towards the LGBT community won’t stop there.  Summit Gala headliner Scott Walker has already doubled down on his call for a constitutional amendment, and panelist Tony Perkins went on an epic Twitter rant Friday, calling the ruling a “shocking abuse of power” and promising it would “supercharge” opposition to gay marriage.  Don’t take Perkins’ word for it: Rick Santorum didn’t even wait for his speech to begin teeing off, telling Denver radio station KNUS that the ruling was the court’s attempt to be “trendy” with marriage equality and would lead to polygamy.

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