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AB Leadership Economy Jobs Saturday, Jan 28 2012

ProgressVA: After Vehemently Opposing Stimulus, Allen Touts The Success Of Firms That Received Millions Of Dollars In Stimulus Grants

On January 27, 2012, ProgressVA posted the following:

Paying no heed to his months of criticism of a "failed stimulus", George Allen has spent the past two weeks touring and touting the economic successes of two Virginia firms that received millions of dollars in stimulus grants. January 21st, Allen visited Ennis Electric Company, an "admirably managed" business in Manassas. Left out of Allen's praise for Ennis was the fact the firm has benefitted from nearly $14 million in stimulus funding. Unfortunately, this isn't the first time Allen's hypocrisy has caught up with him on the campaign trail. Earlier this month, Allen hosted a town hall meeting at Micron Technology, a firm that solicited and received $5 million in stimulus funds. Micron CEO Steve Appleton certainly didn't seem to agree with Allen's assessment of the stimulus program--he met with President Obama to show his support for the legislation in 2009.
Additional background information below.

News Economy Jobs Taxes Thursday, Jan 19 2012

MEMO: Debate Prep For Republican Presidential Candidates

To: Republican Presidential Candidates And Their Esteemed Representatives From: Ty Matsdorf, Senior Advisor American Bridge 21st Century RE: Debate Prep Date: January 19, 2012 Tonight’s debate may offer you your last best chance to reach voters not only in South Carolina, but across the nation. After more than a dozen debates, a lot of ground has been covered but there is still room to distinguish yourselves from Mitt Romney and attempt to derail his coronation. Since it seems that you have struggled to focus in on a sustained line of attack that erodes Mitt Romney’s standing and qualifications for being president among the Republican primary voters while not costing you support from your conservative base, we have mapped out three central themes that will accomplish both should you choose to highlight them in tonight’s debate. Themes For The Debate:

Romney Puts Personal Profit Above Values And Beliefs: It is no secret that Governor Romney is wealthy, and that is not something to begrudge. But highlighting what that wealth encompasses is a key line of attack that could be used. Below are examples that should be broached tonight:

Romney Profits From Abortion Services: On the campaign trail (even though he was previously pro-choice,) Romney continually touts his pro-life positions. However, that hasn’t stopped him from padding his bank account with investments in Stericycle, a company that disposes of aborted fetuses. Stericycle has been targeted by many conservative groups, the same demographic that Romney has been pandering to on the trail. (Huffington Post, 1/17/12)

Romney Profits From Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac: Despite demonizing Speaker Gingrich for his work for Fannie/Freddie, and the continual disparaging of them on the campaign trail, Romney personally invested up to $500,000 in these organizations and made up to $50,000 last year alone. (Boston Globe, 9/19/11)

Romney Profits From China: On the campaign trail Romney is quick to talk tough on China, but that didn’t stop his investors from investing his money in Chinese holdings. And if Romney hides behind his “blind trust,” remind him of his quote from 1994 calling blind trusts “rouses” (Wall Street Journal, 12/17/11)

Romney Profits From Offshore Tax Shelters: This line of attack writes itself. But just in case, this just further shows that with Mitt Romney his own personal profit trumps all else. (ABC News, 1/18/12)

Romney’s Business Success Was Due To “Corporate Welfare”: Governor Romney has held up his business experience as his main qualification for being President, and has been quick to dismiss the manner in which he acted as simply “free market capitalism.” What he doesn’t mention is that some of his success has been due to huge government subsidies and tax breaks, something decried by the conservative Cato Institute as “corporate welfare.”

Steel Dynamics: Undoubtedly, Governor Romney will tout Steel Dynamics, the “steel mill in Indiana,” as one of his successes. You must tell the other side of the story: this was only a success because of more than $37 million in government subsidies. And what is even more damaging, these subsidies were paid for by raising taxes on the local residents. (LA Times, 1/12/12)

Romney Is Out Of Touch: This has been percolating for months but nowhere was it more crystalized then his flippant comments about the amount of money he made from giving speeches. Again, while no one begrudges success, Governor Romney’s complete inability to relate to the struggles of working families is absolutely astounding.

Romney/Speeches: On Tuesday, Romney offhandedly said he didn’t make very much money from giving speeches. In reality, he has made more than $360,000 dollars last year alone giving speeches. (Politico, 1/18/12)

News Economy Jobs Tuesday, Jan 17 2012

Washington Post: Allen Opposes Stimulus, But Backs Company That Received Stimulus

On January 16, 2012, the Washington Post reported:

George Allen, the likely Republican nominee for U.S. Senate, recently headlined a town hall at Micron Technology, a semiconductor company with a facility in Manassas. It’s the same company that received $5 million in stimulus money. And the same company whose CEO, Steve Appleton, met with President Obama to show his support for the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009. But, as you may recall, Allen doesn’t support the recovery act.

News Friday, Jan 13 2012

Daily Kos: Mitt Romney's Favorite Success Story Took Millions In Government Aid

On January 13, 2012, Daily Kos reported:

Mitt Romney says questioning his record at Bain Capital makes you an enemy of free enterprise, but it turns out one of his favorite success stories would have been a failure without tens of millions in government subsidies.

News Friday, Jan 13 2012

Washington Monthly: Get To Know Steel Dynamics

On January 13, 2012, Washington Monthly reported:

Indeed, Steel Dynamics isn’t some isolated story from Romney’s past that he would just as soon see us overlook; this is a story that Romney considers proof of his job-creating expertise. The takeaway, apparently, is that the Republican frontrunner wants government to get out of the way of the private sector, but only after the government gave Romney some handouts that helped boost his profits.

News Friday, Jan 13 2012

TPM: Romney’s Conservative Businessman Pitch Runs Into Fire

On January 13, 2012, Talking Points Memo reported:

Mitt Romney is looking to steady his ship in South Carolina after overcoming a week of tough attacks on his Bain Capital days in New Hampshire. But while Newt Gingrich, Rick Perry, and assorted Democrats have all gone after him from his left flank on the issue, there are signs that he may have weaknesses on the right as well.

News Friday, Jan 13 2012

DeKalb Residents React To Steel Dynamics

Butler Resident Diane Pinney: “We That Are On Social Security And Minimum Wages Cannot Afford Another Penny!” In letter written to the editor of The Butler Bulletin, Butler resident Diane Pinney wrote, “An article in today’s Journal Gazette (February 11, 1994) came to my attention. In fact, it hit me in the face! It seems that Keith Busse of Steel Dynamics, the Butler City Council, and Tom Lavin of the DeKalb County Council have been meeting directly, making deals for the Steel Dynamics plant that involve new taxes on Butler residents and all of DeKalb County…We that are on Social Security and minimum wages cannot afford another penny!!! When are we going to learn to say NO to this type of business deal? What are we going to get in return from this steel mill? I’m afraid that we’re only going to get taken- again!” [The Butler Bulletin, 2/15/94] See more reactions after the jump.

News Jobs Taxes Friday, Jan 13 2012

ICYMI: Romney Profited From Government Handouts

This morning, the Los Angeles Times reported on Mitt Romney's reliance on tax breaks and government subsidies while working in private equity. The article focuses on Steel Dynamics, the same steel company featured in Romney's positive ad released just this morning, and all of the government help they received. In fact, Dekalb County was forced to institute a new tax to pay for all of the handouts. Despite his constant opposition to government interference in the free market, Mitt Romney has a long history of profiting from government handouts. Research after the jump.

AB Leadership Friday, Jan 13 2012

LA Times: Mitt Romney No Stranger To Tax Breaks, Subsidies

On January 12, 2012, the Los Angeles Times reported:

As Mitt Romney defends his record running a private equity firm, he frequently points to a fast-growing Indiana steel company, financed in part by Bain Capital, that now employs 6,000 workers. What Romney doesn't mention is that Steel Dynamics also received generous tax breaks and other subsidies provided by the state of Indiana and the residents of DeKalb County, where the company's first mill was built. The story of Bain and Steel Dynamics illustrates how Romney, during his business career, made avid use of public-private partnerships, something that many conservatives consider to be "corporate welfare." It is a commitment that carried over into his term as governor of Massachusetts, when he offered similar incentives to lure businesses to his state.

AB Leadership Wednesday, Jan 11 2012

Real Clear Politics: Romney's Tough Final Day In New Hampshire

On Janury 10, 2012, Real Clear Politics reported:

Romney's troubles began early in the morning when he told a crowd in Nashua, "I like being able to fire people who provide services to me." [...] The Democratic group American Bridge issued a research document hitting Romney with a more substantive question based on the heart of his remark -- firing a service that isn’t performing well. “Why did he refuse to fire the landscaping company he employed to take care of his lawn even after he found out they hired illegal immigrants to care for his property?” the group asked. “He waited until he was running for office (for Pete's sake!) to do something about it.”

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