Memorándum: Cómo Marco Rubio le ha fallado a Florida
Cuando Marco Rubio rompió con su promesa de no postularse para la reelección en la Florida, demostró que su camino…
MEMO: How Marco Rubio Has Failed Florida
When Marco Rubio reneged on his pledge to not run for reelection in Florida, it was clear that his path…
McCrory & Pence: Great At Hate & Job-Killing, Terrible At Governing
Vice Presidential candidate Mike Pence and Governor Pat McCrory have a lot in common. They both trust a man with…
Donald J. Trump Is Calling For A Total And Complete Ban On…Himself?
In the months since he first announced his un-American ban on Muslims entering the U.S. in December, Donald Trump's regularly…
"Friend" Speaks To Enemies (2/2)
Senator Marco Rubio claimed that the horrific shooting at Orlando's Pulse nightclub is what inspired him to go back on his word and…
"Friend" Speaks To Enemies (1/2)
In the aftermath of the attack on the Pulse nightclub, Donald Trump journeyed to Manchester, New Hampshire and claimed that…
Rubio To Mark Orlando Shooting's Two-Month Anniversary At Anti-LGBT Hate Rally
Senator Marco Rubio claimed that the horrific shooting at Orlando's Pulse nightclub is what inspired him to go back on his word…
Trump Supports Pat McCrory's Job-Killing, Anti-LGBT Law
Governor Pat McCrory is receiving another pat on the back for his "fantastic record" from Donald Trump. Trump says that…
Trump and the Western Conservative Summit, A History Of Hate
Donald Trump and the Western Conservative Summit is a match made in heaven: Both have a long history deeply tied…
Off The Prompter, Off His Rocker: Trump Goes Old School Unhinged In Georgia
Donald Trump was off the prompter and way off-message today in Atlanta, Georgia. For an hour and ten minutes, Trump…