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Outsourcing Monday, Sep 5 2016

Trump-Pence: Make America Outsource Again!

It's fitting that Donald Trump and Mike Pence are making a half-hearted, last-minute visit to Ohio to "commemorate" Labor Day,…

Outsourcing Tuesday, Aug 23 2016

Pence To Plug Anti-Working Families Ticket At Non-Union Manufacturer

It's fitting that Mike Pence is today campaigning at a non-union, Pipersville, PA, manufacturer, because Pence and Donald Trump have a decidedly…

Economy Outsourcing Monday, Aug 8 2016

Trump First: Trump’s Economic Policies Help Him, Hurt Us

In his speech this afternoon on trade and the economy, Donald Trump will certainly bemoan outsourcing that shifts “our jobs,…

Outsourcing Wednesday, Aug 3 2016

ICYMI: While Trump Is In Florida He's Seeking More Foreign Guest Workers For His Companies

American Bridge President Jessica Mackler issued the following statement on Trump's promises to bring jobs back to America: "Throughout his…

Outsourcing Wednesday, Aug 3 2016

Trump Ties Himself In Knots On Outsourcing Hypocrisy

"I'm going to bring back jobs." -Donald Trump, 6/5/2016 Donald Trump, who constantly rails on outsourcing companies -- including companies that…

Outsourcing Thursday, Jul 21 2016

Trump Is Still The Outsourcer In Chief

Tonight, Donald Trump is using his usual hypocritical arguments on American economics: a "trade war" would be good for Americans and he…

Outsourcing Thursday, Jun 30 2016

Trump's Own Clothing Line And Products Are Outsourced

Donald Trump said he wants Americans to have more pride in buying products that are "made in the USA," yet…

Jobs Outsourcing Friday, May 20 2016

Trump Profits As Working People Lose Their Jobs And Homes

In 2006, Donald Trump hoped for a housing market crash: "I sort of hope that happens because then people like me…

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