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News Taxes Saturday, Sep 22 2012

MEMO: What’s Romney Hiding?

To: Interested Parties From: Rodell Mollineau, President of American Bridge 21st Century Date: 9/22/2012 RE: What’s Romney hiding with his tax summary?

Mitt Romneys inexplicable choice to release a minimal summary of his past twenty years of federal income tax returns only serves to confirm that there must be something so toxic to his candidacy in those returns that it seemed strategically sound to release a short briefing in September after questions had been raised for nearly a year.
American Bridge previously presented a list of things that Mitt Romney could be hiding, but below are just three of the biggest questions raised by Friday’s incomplete disclosure.

News Taxes Tuesday, Aug 14 2012

VIDEO: Romney's Cayman Daydream

Wonder what was going through Mitt Romney's head when Paul Ryan went off script and bashed tax shelters for the wealthy during their 60 Minutes interview? American Bridge president Rodell Mollineau said, "Paul Ryan is off to a rough start, and not just because he's less popular than Sarah Palin or Dick Cheney. In one simple thought, Ryan both embarrassed Mitt Romney and spouted falsehoods about the Republicans' agenda. In truth, the Romney-Ryan plan not only fails to eliminate loopholes and giveaways, it places a heavy burden on the middle class by lowering tax rates for multimillionaires like Mitt Romney to less than 1%."

News Taxes Tuesday, Aug 7 2012

MEMO: Abel Maldonado’s False Equivalency On Tax Delinquency

To: Interested Parties From: Ty Matsdorf, American Bridge 21st Century RE: Abel Maldonado’s False Equivalency On Taxes Date: 8-7-2012 Over the last couple of days, Abel Maldonado’s rampant abuse of the tax system and his IRS delinquencies have resurfaced in the media. While his abuses have been so longstanding that they may seem to be “old news,” it is worth remembering just how egregious they are. But first, as the issue of taxes has become a flash point in his Congressional race, it is important to dispel an emerging narrative: that both candidates in the race “have tax troubles.” Saying this is like saying Gabby Douglas and I are both gymnasts because I did a half-somersault while falling out of bed this morning. According to media reports, Congresswoman Capps had a clerical error that was immediately corrected upon discovery. Lt. Gov. Maldonado on the other hand abused the tax code over the course of several years, and still to this day hasn’t paid the more than $4 million he and his company owe in taxes. A quick refresher on the Maldonado record is after the jump.

News Taxes Tuesday, Jul 17 2012

MEMO: Questions Romney Can Clear Up With His Tax Returns

TO: Interested Parties FROM: Rodell Mollineau, American Bridge 21st Century DATE: July 16, 2012 RE: Questions Romney can clear up with his tax returns Mitt Romney has been trying very hard to run out the clock on this campaign without providing a complete and accurate picture of his finances. He has released his returns for 2010 and [whatever he releases], but that does not provide a full accounting of his financial priorities and practices. For example, from his limited release to this point, very serious questions need to be answered about his offshore holdings, trusts, and ongoing profit from his private equity career. He is also taking great pains to distance himself from his involvement with Bain Capital post-February 1999, but yet refuses to release his tax returns over that period which would prove his veracity on the subject. Romney’s father started the tradition of releasing his taxes by providing 12 years. Romney himself provided 23 years of taxes when he was being vetted for the vice presidential slot under McCain (and losing out to Sarah Palin). So, it should be easy for Romney to put a number of questions to rest by simply providing the public with his income taxes just as he provided them to John McCain. Here are the questions that could be easily answered through a full and transparent disclosure.

Monday, Jul 16 2012

MEMO: Questions Romney Can Clear Up With His Tax Returns

TO: Interested Parties FROM: Rodell Mollineau, American Bridge 21st Century DATE: July 16, 2012 RE: Questions Romney can clear up with his tax returns Mitt Romney has been trying very hard to run out the clock on this campaign without providing a complete and accurate picture of his finances. He has released his returns for 2010 and [whatever he releases], but that does not provide a full accounting of his financial priorities and practices. For example, from his limited release to this point, very serious questions need to be answered about his offshore holdings, trusts, and ongoing profit from his private equity career. He is also taking great pains to distance himself from his involvement with Bain Capital post-February 1999, but yet refuses to release his tax returns over that period which would prove his veracity on the subject. Romney’s father started the tradition of releasing his taxes by providing 12 years. Romney himself provided 23 years of taxes when he was being vetted for the vice presidential slot under McCain (and losing out to Sarah Palin). So, it should be easy for Romney to put a number of questions to rest by simply providing the public with his income taxes just as he provided them to John McCain. Read the full memo after the jump.

Thursday, Jul 12 2012

Connie Mack Agrees: We Should Phase Out Medicare, Social Security

At a Tea Party event in Central Florida, Connie Mack agreed with an event attendee who suggested we eliminate the corporate income tax and eventually phase out Medicare and Social Security. Wonder how this will play with Florida voters?

Friday, Jul 6 2012

Romney: "It's Not A Tax Hike. It Is A Fee."

With Romney & other Republicans attacking Obamacare as a tax increase, it's worth looking at how Romney viewed an identical policy when he was governor. Here's brand new video from the Mass. archives in which Romney says of the tax penalty for not purchasing health insurance: "It's not a tax hike. It is a fee, an assessment."

Tuesday, Jun 19 2012

MEMO: Everything You Ever Wanted To Know About Sarah Steelman’s Record On Taxes And Fees

After Sarah Steelman stated categorically that she “never voted for a tax increase” during a debate on June 11, 2012, her record on taxes has become a major campaign issue. American Bridge was quick to point out an obvious tax increase that John Brunner missed when leveling his attack. He even went so far as to launch a website attacking Steelman on her tax record. But none of these attacks come anywhere close to a comprehensive look at Steelman’s record of voting for taxes and fees on Missourians. After an exhaustive review of her voting record, American Bridge has compiled numerous examples of votes for taxes and fees in direct contradiction to Steelman’s ridiculous claim. A few highlights:

- Steelman voted 23 times in favor of sales taxes - Steelman voted 23 times in favor of tourism taxes - Steelman voted 8 times in favor of waste fees - Steelman voted 6 times in favor of transportation taxes - Steelman voted to authorize increasing the Senior Citizens Service Fund Tax - Steelman co-sponsored an education bill that increased the sales tax by 1%, state corporate income tax to 6.75%, and state personal income tax to 6.5% - And many more

Steelman may talk a good game on taxes, but her record tells an entirely different story.

Thursday, Jun 14 2012

Steelman "Never Voted For A Tax Increase"?

On Monday, Republican Senate candidate Sarah Steelman made a sweeping (and incorrect) claim about her voting record in the Missouri state senate when she stated that she “never voted for a tax increase.” This has sparked a heated back and forth between Steelman and one of her primary opponents, John Brunner, who took a swing and missed when the attack spiraled downward into an argument about semantics. Brunner argues that Steelman voted to make a temporary tax permanent. Steelman counters that Brunner “does not understand the legislative process.” And while that may be true, it is less because he is mischaracterizing the vote Steelman cast and more because there is a much clearer example of Steelman voting to raise taxes. In 2002, Steelman voted to create a brand new tax. Here is text from the legislation Steelman supported:

“In addition to all other fees and taxes required or paid, a tax is hereby imposed upon licensed retail pharmacies for the privilege of providing outpatient prescription drugs in this state. The tax is imposed upon the Missouri gross retail prescription receipts earned from filling outpatient retail prescriptions.”

“A tax is hereby imposed.” Maybe Brunner should run with that one instead of arguing about the difference between “increasing” and “extending.” Steelman Voted To Create Retail Pharmacy Tax In Order To Fund Medicaid Pharmacy Program. On May 15, 2002, Steelman voted for the Senate Substitute version of the Senate Committee Substitute version of HB 1898, a bill that created a retail pharmacy tax “for the privilege of providing outpatient prescription drugs.” The bill imposed a new retail pharmacy tax upon all licensed retail pharmacies in Missouri in order to fund the state’s Medicaid Pharmacy Program. The retail pharmacy tax was limited to 6% of a pharmacy’s monthly gross retail prescription receipts. According to the Missouri House of Representatives, “This act imposes a tax upon licensed retail pharmacies in Missouri for the privilege of providing outpatient prescription drugs. The tax rate of up to [sic] will be based on monthly gross retail prescription receipts of pharmacies, not to exceed 6%... All revenues from the tax will be deposited in the Pharmacy Tax Fund, created in the act. Moneys in the fund will be used to provide payments for services related to the Medicaid pharmacy program.” The bill was passed by a vote of 24-9. [Missouri State Senate, Daily Journal of the Senate, Day 73, 5/15/02, Page 1655; Missouri House of Representatives, Official Summary, HB 1898]

Wednesday, May 2 2012

Stephen King's Message To Mitt Romney

Stephen King sticks it to Mitt Romney. You have to read this! You can read King's full column here on The Daily Beast.

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