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News Wednesday, Aug 6 2014

Joni Ernst: Ted Cruz’s Favorite Candidate

Aug 06, 2014

Joni Ernst was asked about her extreme agenda recently, and she responded with an exasperated, “Oh for heaven’s sake. I am not extreme, I’ll tell you that.”

Well Joni can tell us whatever she wants, but her positions speak for themselves. She wants to abolish the Department of Education and the EPA. She wants to get rid of the federal minimum wage altogether. In her perfect world, just like Ted Cruz, she would eliminate the Renewable Fuel Standard (RFS) that are crucial to Iowa’s economy. She’s floated impeaching President Obama, supported state nullification of federal laws, and endorsed Ted Cruz’s government shutdown, which cost the economy $24 billion.

For heaven’s sake, that sounds pretty extreme now, doesn’t it?

It’s even extreme enough for Ted Cruz. In fact, he finds Ernst’s extreme positions so inspiring that he told Radio Iowa this weekend, “there is no senate candidate I am more excited about across the country than Joni Ernst.”

Joni Ernst and Ted Cruz are two peas in a pod. And their agenda would be disastrous for working families in Iowa.


Cruz Sought To End The Renewable Fuel Standard

Cruz Supported Repealing The Renewable Fuel Standard. According to a Ted Cruz press release, “‘A Great American Energy Renaissance is at our fingertips,’ Sen. Cruz said. ‘There is only one thing that will stop us from embracing it to its full potential: the federal government. Nothing else will stop the next generation of American energy pioneers. It won’t be lack of determination, ingenuity, or grit. It will be some faceless bureaucrat who simply says, ‘You’re not allowed to do that.’ […] I. Prevent the Federal Government From Undermining the American Energy Renaissance and the Jobs It Creates (1-5) 1) Prevent Federal Regulation of Hydraulic Fracturing. Leave regulation of hydraulic fracturing in state hands 2) Improve Domestic Refining Capacity. Streamline the permitting process for upgrading and building new refineries Repeal the Renewable Fuel Standard” [Ted Cruz Official Press Release, 2/10/14]

Cruz Introduced The American Energy Renaissance Act, Which Repealed The Federal Renewable Fuel Standard. According to the Houston Business Journal, “Cruz said Tuesday he is focusing on ending federal interference in the ‘American energy renaissance’ through the new legislation. The freshman senator may have little hope of seeing his bill progress legislatively in the Democratic-led Senate, but he can at least focus attention on the upcoming American Energy Renaissance Act as a messaging opportunity. […] The legislation also would ease the permitting process for refineries, potentially fast-tracking more in the Houston area, as well as eliminating the federal Renewable Fuel Standard on industry. Cruz also wants to expedite permitting for liquified natural gas export facilities in Texas and nationwide.” [Houston Business Journal, 2/11/14]

Cruz: “The Renewable Fuels Standard’s Impossible Mandates Are Driving Up The Costs Of Fuel, Food, And Goods. We Admit We Have A Problem. Instead Of A Temporary Waiver, Let’s Fix It By Fully Repealing It.” On his Facebook page, Ted Cruz wrote, “The Renewable Fuels Standard’s impossible mandates are driving up the costs of fuel, food, and goods. We admit we have a problem. Instead of a temporary waiver, let’s fix it by fully repealing it.” [Ted Cruz Official Facebook Page, 4/7/13]

Cruz: “I Think Biofuels Are Every Important But I Don’t Think They Need To Be Mandated. We Will See The Market For Biofuels Market Grow Based On Technology, Based On Demand, Without The Federal Government Setting An Artificial Mandate.” According to WHOtv, “A potential presidential candidate visited Iowa Tuesday and says he does not support the renewable fuels standard. […] ‘I represent the state of Texas. Texas is a huge agricultural state. Farming and ranching are critical to the state of Texas. I think biofuels are every important but I don’t think they need to be mandated,’ Sen Cruz said. ‘We will see the market for biofuels market grow based on technology, based on demand, without the federal government setting an artificial mandate.’” [WHOtv, 3/19/14]

Cruz Co-Sponsored The “Renewable Fuel Standard Repeal Act.” [S.1195, 6/20/13]

Ernst Supported Tea Party Government Shutdown

Ernst Said “I Don’t Believe Any Republican Member Of Congress Wanted To See A Shutdown Or To Cause Us To Default On Our Obligations.” According to the Des Moines Register, “Ernst did damage control for congressional Republicans. ‘I want to state that I don’t believe any Republican member of Congress wanted to see a shutdown or to cause us to default on our obligations,’ she said. ‘I do believe they brought to light what is the tragedy of Obamacare and what is our $17 trillion debt.’” [Des Moines Register, 10/23/13]

  •  Ernst Signed Pledge To Oppose Any Bill Or Budget Resolution That Provided Funding For Obamacare.  According to, a Senate Conservatives Fund website, Joni Ernst signed a pledge that read, “I, Joni Ernst, pledge to the taxpayers of the state of Iowa, and to the American people, that I will: ONE, support the full repeal of Obamacare (also known as the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act); and TWO, oppose any bill or budget resolution that provides funding to implement or enforce any part of it.” [Don’t Fund Obamacare, Accessed 10/21/13]

Ernst Signed Pledge To Oppose Any Bill Or Budget Resolution That Provided Funding For Obamacare.  According to, a Senate Conservatives Fund website, Joni Ernst signed a pledge that read, “I, Joni Ernst, pledge to the taxpayers of the state of Iowa, and to the American people, that I will: ONE, support the full repeal of Obamacare (also known as the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act); and TWO, oppose any bill or budget resolution that provides funding to implement or enforce any part of it.” [Don’t Fund Obamacare, Accessed 10/21/13]

Ernst Supported Defunding, Repealing, And Replacing The Affordable Care Act. According to a video of state Sen. Joni Ernst at the Iowa Faith and Freedom Coalition U.S. Senate Forum, Ernst said, “With Obamacare, I am hoping we never have to participate in it, in the first place. So, I am all for defunding Obamacare, repealing Obamacare, and replacing Obamacare, for those that are most vulnerable, that we have great ideas to do that.” [Iowa Faith and Freedom Coalition U.S. Senate Forum, Accessed 10/3/13]

Ernst Said “We Must Stand Firm In The Fight Against” The Affordable Care Act On The First Day Of The Government Shutdown. According to a Facebook post by state Sen. Joni Ernst, Ernst said, “LIKE if you believe that on this first day of Obamacare exchange signups, we must stand firm in the fight against this damaging, job-killing legislation. #standfirm.” [Sen. Joni Ernst – Facebook,10/1/13]

Iowa Shutdown Impacts

Iowa Democratic Party Said Ernst Did Not Comment On The Shutdown Despite Furloughs For 1,000 Iowa National Guard Members, Ernst Was An Iowa National Guard Member.According to a tweet by the Iowa Democratic Party, “Despite being a member of the IA National Guard, @joniernst has stayed silent on the GOP shutdown. 1000 of its employees will be furloughed.” [Iowa Democratic Party – Twitter, 9/30/13]

Herbert Hoover Birthplace Historic Site As Well As Hoover Presidential Library And Museum Closed Due To Shutdown And Their Workers Were Furloughed. According to ABC-9 KCRG, “The countdown is down to the final hours for a shutdown of portions of the federal government due to the budget wrangling. And that will mean no jobs temporarily on Tuesday for some federal employees in Iowa. Many in eastern Iowa might notice the impact at the national recreational or historic sites like the Herbert Hoover birthplace and Presidential library and museum in West Branch. A federal shutdown would mean both sites won’t openTuesday with about 30 workers total furloughed.” [ABC-9 KCRG, 9/30/13]

Half Of Iowa National Guard Members Temporarily Lost Their Jobs Due To Shutdown. According to ABC-9 KCRG, “But the biggest job impact in Iowa might fall on the members of the Iowa National Guard. Approximately 2,200 people work full time at Guard facilities around Iowa. Plans call for approximately half to temporarily lose their jobs if there is no budget agreement.” [ABC-9 KCRG,9/30/13]

Over 80 Percent Of Army Aviation Support Facility #2 Workers Went On Unpaid Furlough Due To Shutdown. According to ABC-9 KCRG, “And percentagewise, some facilities will feel the cuts even more deeply. At the Army Aviation Support Facility #2, next to the Waterloo Airport, a total of 44 people work full time. If there is no budget deal with Congress, all would come in to work on Tuesday. Thirty six will learn they’re on unpaid furlough. Eight will still have federal jobs despite the government shutdown.” [ABC-9 KCRG, 9/30/13]

Routine Maintenance Work At The Army Aviation Facility Stopped Due To Shutdown. According to ABC-9 KCRG, “Col. Greg Hapgood, chief public information officer for the Guard in Iowa, said ‘it’s a very difficult decision to make. Those that are kept on are absolutely critical for safety, for health and for communicating with the public.’ Soldiers from Iowa deployed overseas now, approximately 140, are ‘excepted’ from shutdown cuts as are some other job categories. But routine maintenance work, such as soldiers do now on helicopters in Waterloo, would drop to zero.” [ABC-9 KCRG, 9/30/13]

Sergeant 1st Class Dan Callahan Said “Part Of The Problem Is People Live Paycheck To Paycheck And Thing Swill Get Tight.” According to ABC-9 KCRG, “Tim Eich, commander of the Waterloo unit, said he’s told his soldiers and civilians for months to be prepared for what looks all but certain. ‘We’ve told them for the last several months to prepare that they may be taking some unpaid leave,’ Eich said. Sergeant 1st Class Dan Callahan said soldiers have certainly heard the advice. But, for some, hearing about it and truly being prepared aren’t always the same. ‘Part of the problem is people live paycheck to paycheck and things will get tight. We went through a furlough this spring and lost 48 hours of pay already. That makes things tight for a lot of people,’ Sgt. Callahan said.” [ABC-9 KCRG,9/30/13]

WIC, A Supplemental Nutrition Program For Women, Infants, And Children, Would Not Be Able To Send Out Food Checks To 66,000 Iowa Participants If The Shutdown Lasted The Entire Month. According to the Waterloo Cedar Falls Courier, “The partial shutdown of the federal government has halted the checks for a supplemental nutrition program for women, infants, and children. The program known as WIC is funded by the U.S. Department of Agriculture. […] If the shutdown lasts the entire month that many people would not get their monthly food checks. If it’s shorter in duration participants could get a check as soon as federal spending is again authorized. The program received notice Tuesday that no checks can be issued until further notice. […] The program’s administrator in Iowa, Jill Lange, says the state serves about 66,000 participants a month.” [Waterloo Cedar Falls Courier, 10/1/13]

Published: Aug 6, 2014 | Last Modified: Dec 30, 2024

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