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Wednesday, Mar 13 2019

Joni Ernst’s “paid family leave” proposal is a slap in the face to working Americans

Mar 13, 2019

Joni Ernst unveiled a “paid family leave” proposal yesterday that would force new parents to pay for their own parental leave by looting their Social Security benefits.

Ernst admitted her plan would force Americans to defer their retirement in exchange for parental leave, but that doesn’t concern her: she said she “wouldn’t describe it as any sort of loss”:

“This is a plan to weaken Social Security masquerading as paid family leave, minus the paid part,”said American Bridge spokesperson Amelia Penniman. “Working families deserve both paid family leave and to retire with dignity, but Joni Ernst wants them to choose one or the other. She’s clearly missed the memo on what matters for American families.”

Watch the full press conference here.

Published: Mar 13, 2019

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