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Thursday, Mar 1 2012

Josh Mandel's Series Of Unfortunate Events

Mar 01, 2012

Despite starting his Senate campaign just weeks after taking office as Ohio’s Treasurer, Josh Mandel is making his campaign “official” at the Akron Press Club today – an event he initially refused to attend because he was “too busy.” The story of his campaign to this point has been nothing but embarrassing; here is a look back at some of his greatest hits:

  • Mandel “Aggressively Worked” Fundraising And Speaking Tours As State Treasurer While Office Schedule Was Neglected. [AP, 1/14/12]
  • Mandel’s First Senate Campaign Flight Occurred Less Than One Month After Taking Office As State Treasurer[AP, 1/14/12]
  • February 2012: Mandel Skipped 14th Consecutive Board Of Deposit Meeting, Still Failed To Attend A Single Meeting Since Taking Office. [Columbus Dispatch, 2/23/12]
  • Mandel Disclosed His Personal Finances 177 Days Late. [Cleveland Plain Dealer, 11/4/11; Mandel Personal Financial Disclosure]
  • Mandel Released Official Schedules, Did Not Include Out-Of-State Fundraising Trips. [Cleveland Plain Dealer, 1/20/12]
  • Mandel Attack On Sherrod Brown Rated “Pants On Fire” By PolitiFact. [PolitiFact Ohio, 11/18/11]

In September 2011, American Bridge caught this photo of a “Mandel for Senate” banner at a Tea Party event six months before he announced:


Published: Mar 1, 2012 | Last Modified: Apr 21, 2021

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