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Tuesday, Oct 4 2016

Kelly Ayotte Becomes The GOP’s Worst Nightmare With One Word: "Absolutely"

Oct 04, 2016

Last night, Senator Kelly Ayotte became, not only the GOP’s, but her own worst nightmare when she said that Donald Trump was “absolutely” a role model for children. Now, she and the NRSC are waking up to kiss the Senate majority goodbye.

Senator Ayotte has tied herself in knots over “supporting” rather than “endorsing” Donald Trump during these last few months, but now she’s over the edge. Enough with the political double speak, anyone who says that Donald Trump is a role model — the same candidate who made fun of a disabled man and said that veterans suffering from PTSD aren’t strong enough — has fully endorsed him and his extreme agenda. There’s no denying it: Senator Ayotte is a card carrying member of the Party of Trump.


These aren’t the headlines Senator Kelly Ayotte or the NRSC were hoping for post-debate:










Published: Oct 4, 2016 | Last Modified: Jan 18, 2024

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