Breitbart, Donald Trump’s personal media outlet, last night posted an anti-Semitic piece befitting its long-favored GOP presidential candidate.
Why befitting? Because Trump has himself dabbled in anti-Semitic dog whistles and rhetoric, according to Jon Ralston:
- Who could forget Trump’s performance at December’s Republican Jewish Coalition meeting, when he “repeatedly invoked stereotypes about Jews and money“?
- Or, more recently, when Trump “refused to disavow his anti-Semitic supporters who left ugly messages” threatening a reporter who profiled Donald’s wife?
- Or that Trump’s repeatedly promoted tweets from neo-Nazi supporters of his candidacy?
- Or when Trump took his time in disavowing an endorsement from former KKK leader David Duke?
Turns out, it runs in the family. Though Donald’s tried to suppress the truth, his father, Fred Trump, was in 1927 arrested while participating a KKK “fascist brawl” in the Bronx.
Trump’s vehemently denied that is father was involved in the KKK brawl, but here it is in print, straight from the June 1, 1927 edition of the New York Times:

Published: May 16, 2016