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News Press Releases Mike Rogers Tuesday, Aug 6 2024

Meet Mike Rogers: Another Carpetbagging, Election-Denying Republican Looking To Get Rich In Congress

Aug 06, 2024

Mike Rogers is yet another carpetbagging GOP Senate candidate that is more interested in enriching himself than serving the people of Michigan. From wanting to ban abortion to getting rich off of Chinese and Saudi companies, Rogers is completely out of touch with regular Michiganders. His extreme record speaks volumes: he has consistently voted against reproductive rights, seniors’ retirement stability, access to affordable health care, LGBTQ+ protections, gun safety laws, climate legislation, minimum wage increases, and campaign finance reform. Rogers’ extreme positions and clear disconnect from the concerns of everyday Michiganders make it evident that he’s wrong for Michigan.

“After abandoning Michigan for Florida, Rogers pretended to move back to attempt a lousy comeback in Congress. Bad luck for him — his toxic record is going to be a problem for Michiganders. We all saw what Rogers did while in Congress – he got rich and voted against reproductive freedom and the Affordable Care Act. He’s already repeatedly betrayed his constituents and Michiganders are not going to let it happen again,” said American Bridge 21st Century Senate Communications Director Nico Delgado. 

Mike Rogers’ toxic record: 

Published: Aug 6, 2024

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