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News Friday, Aug 12 2011

MEMO: Rehberg's Job Corps Hypocrisy

Aug 12, 2011

To: Reporters And Editors
From: Ty Matsdorf, American Bridge 21st Century
RE: Congressman Dennis Rehberg’s Job Corps Hypocrisy
Date: 8-12-11

Today, Congressman Rehberg will do a “stop-in” at the Trapper Creek Job Corp Center in Darby. No doubt, he will use this opportunity to lavish praise on the organization as he mounts his bid for U.S. Senate. Unfortunately, this is just one more example of Congressman Rehberg trying to take credit in Montana for projects he votes against in Washington D.C. As seen below, Congressman Rehberg has attacked the Job Corps even going as far as to questioning their effectiveness.

Unfortunately, this is just one more example of Congressman Rehberg saying one thing in Montana and doing another in Washington DC.

Congressman Dennis Rehberg has continually gone to Washington DC and stabbed Montanans in the back. Whether it is ending Medicare as we know it, slashing Social Security, or voting against funding for vital projects and programs, no amount of rhetoric will be able to overcome his decade long record of voting against Montana.

Background Information:

Job Corps Helps Young People Prepare For Careers Through Technical And Academic Training. “Job Corps is a no-cost education and career technical training program administered by the U.S. Department of Labor that helps young people ages 16 through 24 improve the quality of their lives through career technical and academic training.” [Trapper Creek Job Corps Center Website]

Rehberg Attacked Job Corps’ Effectiveness, Questioned Investment In The Program. According to an article about a March 16th hearing of the House Appropriations Subcommittee on Labor, HHS, and Education, from the National Job Corps Association, “Mid-way through the hearing, the new chairman of the Subcommittee, Denny Rehberg (R-MT) attacked Job Corps’ effectiveness and the federal government’s investment in the program.” [National Job Corps Association,3/16/11]

Rehberg Complained That Congress Always Puts “Rubber Stamp” On Job Corps Because They Don’t Want To “Abandon Children in Need.” According to an article about a March 16th hearing of the House Appropriations Subcommittee on Labor, HHS, and Education, from the National Job Corps Association, “Chairman Rehberg – in an adversarial tone – stated that the Subcommittee and Congress has historically put a ‘rubber stamp’ on Job Corps because no one politically wants to ‘abandon children in need.’ Disagreeing with Democrats who emphasized the program’s success, Rehberg contended Job Corps has ‘been proven to be ineffective.’” [National Job Corps Association, 3/16/11]

Rehberg Voted For House Republican 2011 Continuing Resolution Which Cut $300 Million From Job Corps. On February 19, 2011, Rehberg voted for H.R.1., the Full-Year Continuing Appropriations Act that would fund the government through September of 2011. According to CQ Bill Analysis, HR 1 would rescind $300 milliion from the Office of Job Corps. In total, House Republicans made roughly $61.5 billion in cuts which, according to the New York Times, is the largest cuts since just after World War II. [Vote 147, 2/19/11; CQ Bill Analysis, HR 1, 3/1/11]

  • HHS Secretary: HR 1 Would Force Job Corps Program To Close “Half Of The Centers Throughout The County.” During a hearing of the House Appropriations Subcommittee on Labor, HHS, and Education, Representative Rosa DeLauro asked Labor Secretary Hilda Solid about the impact of the cuts to Job Corps in HR 1. “DeLauro went on to ask Solis ‘how states with multiple Job Corps centers, like Kentucky, Montana or Connecticut, would be impacted by the cuts in H.R. 1.” Solis answered by stating that H.R. 1 would have a ‘dramatic impact’ on Job Corps and the program would be forced to close ‘half of the centers throughout the country.’” [National Job Corps Association, 3/16/11]

Rehberg Voted Against Stimulus Funds For Job Corps. Rehberg voted against the final conference report for the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act, which included a $250 million appropriation to the Office of Job Corps. [Vote #70, 2/13/09; CQ Bill Analysis, HR 1, 3/2/09]

Published: Aug 12, 2011

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