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News Mike Braun Wednesday, Aug 1 2018

Mike Braun Turns A Blind Eye To Workers Facing Layoffs In His Hometown

Aug 01, 2018

Jasper, Indiana’s Kimball Electronics is warning the Trump administration that the escalating trade war could result in closure of two of its U.S. manufacturing plants and the outsourcing of manufacturing to Mexico. That means 524 Hoosier workers at the Jasper, Indiana plant are at risk of losing their jobs.

But while Hoosier workers in his hometown face devastating layoffs, Republican Senate candidate and businessman Mike Braun is continuing to blindly support Trump’s reckless trade war.

Last month at an agricultural summit, Mike Braun looked anxious farmers in the eye and said,“It’s not a simple issue, but it’s a simple process of letting it play itself out. I trust President Trump.” Braun has repeatedly sided with the reckless trade policies squeezing farmers and businesses in Indiana.

“Mike Braun is refusing to stand up for the Hoosier workers he is running to represent,” said American Bridge spokesperson Amelia Penniman. “Instead of calling on relief for suffering communities, Braun is doubling down on Trump’s reckless trade policies. Hoosiers in Braun’s own hometown are getting hurt, and he is turning a blind eye.”

Published: Aug 1, 2018 | Last Modified: Feb 1, 2024

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