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Friday, Jun 17 2022

More Coverage Exposes Mehmet Oz as a Scammer Who’ll Say, Do Anything to Boost and Enrich Himself

Jun 17, 2022

Two new reports underscore the reality that Pennsylvania Republicans’ U.S. Senate nominee Mehmet Oz is a scammer and a fraud who’ll say and do anything to benefit himself — no matter how many people have to get hurt.

First off, Salon looks at how Oz has personally invested up to $715,000 in health care corporations that he says are responsible for hurting Americans by keeping insulin costs high. (Beyond these holdings, Oz has over the years taken millions from Big Pharma and he’s invested millions in Pharma stocks in addition to his health insurance company holdings.)

Salon: Dr. Oz invests up to $715,000 in companies he blames for skyrocketing insulin

By Igor Derysh | June 17, 2022

  • “Mehmet Oz […] has repeatedly criticized pharmaceutical companies blamed for the rising cost of insulin — but his recent financial disclosure shows that he has invested up to $715,000 in exactly those companies.”

Also today, a new report from the Daily Beast takes a broader look at the various ways that Oz has abandoned medical science to try to advance his political career — ignoring the evidence to push dangerous, harmful policies on abortion (he now supports outlawing abortion, even though he previously said doing so was dangerous), gun violence prevention measures (he now opposes them), and more.

Daily Beast:
Dr. Oz Reverses Himself on Science for GOP Votes

By Roger Sollenberger | June 17, 2022

  • “For years, millions of viewers tuned in to Oz’s Oprah-boosted daytime talk show for a medical expert’s take on the issues of the day. But now, the issues of the day appear to have the upper hand, as Oz abandons his previous medical opinions for right-wing political appeal.”

Published: Jun 17, 2022 | Last Modified: Aug 26, 2022

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