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Monday, Oct 3 2022

MSNBC: AB21 Co-Chair Gov. Deval Patrick and Sec. Tom Perez on BridgeTogether’s Work & Biden Admin Accomplishments

Oct 03, 2022

Over the weekend, American Bridge co-chairs Governor Deval Patrick and Secretary Tom Perez went on MSNBC to talk about Democratic strategy going into the midterms, President Biden’s accomplishments, and the work BridgeTogether does to support civic engagement organizations at the grassroots.

During National Voter Registration Month, BridgeTogether announced their final round of grant funding to organizations focused on activating and mobilizing voters in Pennsylvania as they scale up voter registration drives ahead of the state’s October 24th voter registration deadline. Collectively, BridgeTogether has invested over $1 million dollars in civic engagement groups across battleground states and has provided resources to overcome efforts to suppress the vote in disenfranchised communities in Pennsylvania, Georgia, Nevada, and Arizona.

WATCH: Gov. Patrick on MSNBC’s American Voices 

“BridgeTogether, which is an initiative of American Bridge’s, is about directing funds to existing grassroots community groups that are building community all year round and not doing this and hoping to set an example, that we shouldn’t do this just in time for the next election,” said American Bridge co-chair Gov. Deval Patrick. “We should be doing this all the time. We should be about talking to people who agree with us and don’t agree with us, as well. We need to bring people into the process. And the only way that we’re going to get fair election laws, truly accessible ballots, ballots that we can be counted on to be counted, is by overwhelming the barriers that have been put up since the last election and moving the right legislation – fair and open legislation through the Congress.” 

WATCH: Sec. Perez on PoliticsNation 

“Look at what President Biden has done for seniors, capping [annual, out-of-pocket] drug costs at $2,000. Medicare Part B premiums are going to go down next year for the first time in a decade. Look at all the infrastructure investments,” said American Bridge Co-Chair Sec. Tom Perez. “And so I think it’s really important for us to make sure we are outlining that we have people’s backs, we’re working on the issues that matter most.”

Published: Oct 3, 2022 | Last Modified: Oct 5, 2022

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