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News Press Releases Don Bacon Friday, Oct 4 2024

NE-02: Anti-Abortion Extremist Don Bacon Is Taking the Debate Stage This Afternoon — Here’s What You Need to Know

Oct 04, 2024

Don Bacon, Nebraska’s four-term congressman from the 2nd Congressional district, has spent his time in Washington trying to take away his constituents’ reproductive freedom and health care access, all while helping pass massive tax cuts for the ultra wealthy and big corporations. He’s set to take the debate stage this afternoon.

“Rep. Don Bacon may have gone to Washington to change things, but it’s clear that DC turned him into just another one of Trump’s swamp creatures,” said American Bridge spokesperson Philip Shulman. “Nebraskans deserve better than a reproductive freedom-stealing, corporate-shilling, Trump-apologizing creature of Washington DC like Don Bacon.”

Here’s what you need to know about Don Bacon:


  • Bacon opposed abortion even in cases of rape and incest
    • In 2016, he even opposed exceptions to these bans to save the lives of pregnant women.
  • Bacon co-sponsored the Life at Conception Act in 2019 and 2021.
  • Bacon signed an amicus brief that urged the Supreme Court to allow states to ban hospitals from providing emergency abortions. 
  • Asked about a potential ballot initiative to protect abortion access in Nebraska, Bacon said, “I just go with the voters.” 
  • He put out a press release touting his votes against the “Women’s Health Protection Act of 2022” and H.R. 8297, the “Ensuring Access to Abortion Act of 2022.” 


Working Against Nebraskans


Published: Oct 4, 2024

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