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Thursday, Jun 15 2017

Nearly 2.4 Million Floridians Could Be Hit By New Annual & Lifetime Limits

Jun 15, 2017

A new analysis this morning takes a hard look at what the Senate’s health care bill will do to insurance plans across the country — and the results are terrifying for millions of Americans.

In Florida alone, nearly 1.4 million people could be hit with annual limits and over 1 million with lifetime limits, forcing them to pay out-of-pocket for maternity care, mental health, prescription drugs — even treatment for cancer, reports the Center for American Progress.

American Bridge spokesperson Joshua Karp made the following statement:

“What else should Floridians expect from a plan that Gov. Rick Scott is ‘helping Trump craft.’ Scott has never cared about patients’ health care, just about making money for himself and his wealthy cronies.

“Senate Republicans are secretly drafting a bill that could decimate care for millions if just one or two states waive essential health benefits. The specter oflifetime and annual limits means millions of Floridians could face a devastating choice: essential health care or bankruptcy.”

Published: Jun 15, 2017

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