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Monday, Nov 13 2017

NEW AD: Heller Refuses to Condemn Moore's History of Sexual Assault

Nov 13, 2017

In the 24 hours since news broke that Alabama Senate candidate Roy Moore sexually molested a 14-year-old girl and made advances on four others between the ages of 16 and 18, Senator Dean Heller has been shockingly silent.

A new ad from American Bridge holds Sen. Dean Heller accountable for his cowardly silence, which enables a predator like Roy Moore to seek public office. In recent days, Dean Heller and Senate Republicans have even lunched with Roy Moore in the Capitol. The ad shows Nevadans that Heller has failed to even simply condemn Moore’s horrific actions.

“Dean Heller’s silence is a disgraceful and gutless response to the serious reports of Roy Moore’s sexual assault,” said American Bridge spokesperson Allison Teixeira Sulier. “By remaining silent, Heller is putting blind partisan loyalty first and enabling a sexual predator. Nevadans are going to hold Dean Heller accountable for the company he keeps — count on it.”

The digital ad is targeted at Nevada voters. As vulnerable Republicans around the country fail to speak out against Moore, American Bridge plans to replicate this latest ad elsewhere.

Watch the ad:

Published: Nov 13, 2017

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