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Friday, May 11 2018

NEW AD: Why Won’t Jim Renacci Stand Up To Scott Pruitt?

May 11, 2018

Today, American Bridge is launching a new digital ad that exposes Ohio Senate candidate Rep.Jim Renacci’s (R-OH) failure to protect his constituents from Scott Pruitt’s corruption.

The ad will run on social media in Ohio, targeted to midterm voters. The 30-second video asks: “Why is Congressman Jim Renacci afraid to fight for us?” and urges voters to call Renacci’s Capitol Hill office to demand he stand up to Scott Pruitt.

“In his brief tenure as EPA Administrator, Scott Pruitt has undertaken a relentless and unprecedented campaign of corruption,” said American Bridge spokesperson Joshua Karp. “Jim Renacci has refused to stand up to him — at the expense of millions in taxpayer dollars. Ohio voters deserve to know why Renacci stands with Swamp Creature Pruitt over Ohioans.”

WATCH the ad below:

Watch the full ad here.

Published: May 11, 2018

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