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Thursday, Feb 14 2019

NEW ADS: Eddie Rispone ❤️'s Bobby Jindal

Feb 14, 2019

Valentine’s Day-Themed Ads Urge Louisianans to Break Up With Bobby Jindal by Saying “No” to Eddie Rispone

Watch the new ad here

Love is in the air. Today American Bridge is launching new ads in Louisiana highlighting just how much candidate for Governor Eddie Rispone loves unpopular former Governor Bobby Jindal.

“If Louisiana voters want to truly break up with Bobby Jindal and his failed policies, they need to say ‘no’ to Eddie Rispone,” said American Bridge spokesperson Zach Hudson. “Bobby Jindal left Louisiana with record deficits and massive cuts to education, and Eddie Rispone cheered him on every step of the way. Unfortunately for Rispone, Louisiana voters just aren’t into him or Bobby Jindal anymore.”

The Valentine’s Day-themed ads are the first ads to be run against Rispone and are targeted to undecided voters. They begin today on Facebook and will run through the weekend across Louisiana. American Bridge previously launched a social media campaign against Rispone for being Jindal’s biggest supporter.

Watch the new ads below.


Published: Feb 14, 2019

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