Watch the new statewide ad here
Ad previews what Fleming can expect should he decide to run
Fleming: “By the time I feed my family, I have $400,000 left over”
American Bridge is launching a statewide digital ad campaign this weekend against former Congressman and failed Senate candidate John Fleming. Fleming, a multi-millionaire who spent eight years in Congress before coming in 5th place in his failed Senate run, is reportedly considering a run for Louisiana Governor.
The ads feature Fleming in his own words bemoaning the fact that after he feeds his family, he only has $400,000 left over. They begin running statewide starting today, and give Fleming a preview of what he can expect should he run for Governor this fall.
“It’s unfortunate that $400,000 can’t buy John Fleming a clue,” said American Bridge spokesperson Zach Hudson. “Only a millionaire who has spent too much time in Washington would cry poverty at only having $400,000 left after feeding his family. John Fleming should stay in Washington because he’s too out-of-touch with Louisiana families to be Governor.”

Published: Feb 28, 2019