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News Press Releases Lily Tang Williams Russell Prescott Wednesday, Sep 11 2024

New Hampshire Primary Rewards MAGA Extremists

Sep 11, 2024

Last night, New Hampshire Republicans chose to nominate two far-right extremists, Russell Prescott and Lily Tang Williams, as their congressional candidates.

“These two weirdo candidates that right-wing Republicans pushed through to the general election would be laughable if they weren’t so dangerous,” said American Bridge 21st Century spokesperson Monica Venzke. “They’re running for one reason and one reason only — to do Donald Trump’s bidding of banning abortion, undermining democracy, gutting Social Security and Medicare, and giving massive tax handouts to the ultra-wealthy. They’re looking out for themselves and Donald Trump, not Granite Staters.”

In NH-01, Russell Prescott:

  • Put out an ad about how voters should elect him because he would help execute Trump’s agenda.
  • Supported the Supreme Court’s decision to overturn Roe v. Wade and said he was the “only candidate in this race with a pro-life record.”
  • Twice endorsed by Kurt Wuelper, who was on the board of New Hampshire Right to Life.
  • Said he believes life begins at conception.
  • Was endorsed by New Hampshire Right to Life in his previous state Senate races, and his older campaign materials described his commitment to the life “of the born and unborn.”

In NH-02, Lily Tang Williams:

  • Is a failed U.S. Senate candidate… in Colorado.
  • Opposed abortion and supported the Supreme Court overturning Roe v. Wade.
  • Touted that she personally donates monthly to “crisis pregnancy centers,” which often masquerade as legitimate reproductive health clinics, but mislead or openly lie to women about abortion.
  • Said that she’s “open-minded” about raising the retirement age.
  • Told a survivor of a mass school shooting that the conversation around gun violence prevention is “over.”

Published: Sep 11, 2024

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