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Friday, Mar 15 2019

New March Madness Ads: Kentucky & Louisville Fans Unite in Booing Matt Bevin

Mar 15, 2019

Watch the new ad here


American Bridge is launching new ads this weekend ahead of the start of March Madness. The ads will run statewide in Kentucky and are targeted to University of Kentucky and University of Louisville basketball fans. The ads highlight that there is virtually nowhere in Kentucky Governor Matt Bevin can go without being booed out of the room.


Watch the ad below.

“Matt Bevin is so unpopular he can’t leave his mansion without being booed,” said American Bridge spokesperson Zach Hudson. “America’s most corrupt Governor is clearly also the most unpopular one. If there’s one thing that can unite Kentucky and Louisville fans, it’s that it’s time to boot Matt Bevin from the Governor’s office.”

Published: Mar 15, 2019

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