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Monday, Jun 5 2023

NEW REPORT: Trump’s Investments Shows Record of Hypocrisy on Gender Affirming Care and COVID

Jun 05, 2023

A new report from the Daily Mail reveals that despite Trump’s atrocious and bigoted promises on gender-affirming care, he still owns stock between “$600,003 and $1,251,000 in three companies that make gender-affirming therapies and hormone blockers.” 

The Daily Mail also notes that Trump has “financial stakes in Pfizer and Johnson & Johnson – a fact that could be seized on by Ron DeSantis’ campaign as the war of words over COVID records heats up in the 2024 race.” 

Donald Trump’s GOP 2024 opponents will certainly call these investments into question during the messy GOP 2024 primary.

Daily Mail: Trump has promised to ban child gender transitions – but owns stock in the Big Pharma companies he’s promised to investigate for ‘illegally marketing’ hormone therapies and puberty blockers

By Morgan Phillips | 6/4/2023

Key Quotes: 

  • “Trump held between $600,003 and $1,251,000 in three companies that make gender-affirming therapies and hormone blockers.”

  • “He also [has] financial stakes in Pfizer and Johnson & Johnson – a fact that could be seized on by Ron DeSantis’ campaign as the war of words over COVID records heats up in the 2024 race.”

  • “Trump responds by praising the COVID mRNA shots, doesn’t acknowledge any of the adverse effects, the DeSantis War Room wrote on Twitter, highlighting the interaction.”

  • “The Trump and Ron DeSantis campaigns have assailed each other over their candidate’s Covid-19 records, with each claiming the other was more friendly to lockdowns.”

  • “On Tuesday the Trump campaign put out a long list entitled ‘Ron DeSantis’ lyin’ record on COVID,’ which took direct aim at the governor for promoting the vaccine.”

Published: Jun 5, 2023 | Last Modified: Jun 7, 2023

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