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Tuesday, Oct 17 2023

NEW VIDEO: Following Disastrous Debate, American Bridge Releases New Video Slamming Daniel Cameron’s Plan to Gut Medicaid

Oct 17, 2023

Following a disastrous debate performance where Daniel Cameron refused to explain his abhorrent plan to gut Medicaid, American Bridge 21st Century released a new video slamming Cameron’s plan, which would jeopardize health care for up to 95,000 Kentuckians and cost the state more than $270 million.

The video points to the fact that, while Cameron wants to add a tried-and-failed work requirement to Medicaid, he has been a “ghost” in his own office, and that public records indicate he is hardly going to work nor communicating with his staff.

“Daniel Cameron’s Medicaid plan is more of a cruel joke than his actual candidacy — who can take him seriously when he can’t even be bothered to show-up for his taxpayer-funded job?” said American Bridge spokesperson Philip Shulman upon release of the video.

Watch for yourself here or below.

Published: Oct 17, 2023 | Last Modified: Nov 1, 2023

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