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Wednesday, Aug 5 2020

NEW VIDEO: Gov. Parson is Bad for Kids, Bad for Missouri

Aug 05, 2020

American Bridge 21st Century released a new video blasting Gov. Mike Parson for failing Missouri’s children. The video features Parson’s admission that kids will catch coronavirus at school and goes on to highlight how his administration wrongly kicked thousands of children off health care, slashed funding for K-12 and child protective services, and his recent push to incarcerate children as young as 12 years old. 

“Gov. Mike Parson’s priorities are all wrong. Instead of ensuring kids have health care and safe schools in the midst of a pandemic, he’s pushing to put kids as young as 12 in jail,” said Katie Parrish, spokesperson at American Bridge 21st Century. “Missouri kids deserve better and this November voters will show unelected Gov. Mike Parson the door.” 

Watch the video here

Published: Aug 5, 2020 | Last Modified: Nov 6, 2020

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