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Mark Walker Pat McCrory Ted Budd Wednesday, Jul 21 2021

NEW VIDEO: NC GOP Candidates Oppose Tax Cut

Jul 21, 2021

American Bridge 21st Century today released a new video highlighting that North Carolina’s GOP U.S. Senate candidates oppose Democrats’ expanded child tax credit — a middle-class tax cut that last week began lifting up families as a part of President Biden and congressional Democrats’ American Rescue Plan. 

Republican candidates Ted BuddMark Walker, and Pat McCrory, have each criticized the child tax credit’s broader package, and they last week made clear they oppose “making the expanded credit permanent,” even as Carolina parents have called the tax cut a “blessing” that “takes away a layer of stress.”

“Democrats in Congress secured this critical tax cut for families, and we’re going to keep highlighting Republicans’ opposition,” said Brad Bainum, American Bridge 21st Century spokesperson. “Americans are sick and tired of Republican tax policies that have expanded and protected loopholes for big corporations and their wealthiest donors at the expense of working families.” 


Published: Jul 21, 2021

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