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AB Leadership

Media Coverage Of

American Bridge 21st Century just released this video compilation of media reports covering our ownership of To read about what we did with the site, click here.

AB Leadership Wednesday, Dec 21 2011

Buy Now! Own NewtGingrich.Com! Won’t Last Long!

With the holiday season rapidly upon us, what do you get for the Republican primary candidate who has everything? American Bridge 21st Century has the perfect gift: As the people who brought you, it’s not that we didn’t have our own ideas about what to do with the site. But, in true holiday spirit, we figured it might go to someone with greater need than us. Maybe someone trying to get that added edge going into 2012, or perhaps someone who may have been too busy earlier in the year to secure it on their own. We thought of giving it away, but we wouldn’t want to be accused of being socialists. So, make your best offer. We’re asking for $1 million, but we’d be happy to accept $500,000 in bling. Heck in the spirit of Christmas we might even let it go for $10,000.

AB Leadership Health Care Friday, Dec 16 2011

TPM: Romney, Who Says He Didn’t Fully Understand Medicaid, Bought A Hospital Company At Bain

On December 16, 2011, Talking Points Memo reported:

Mitt Romney took a turn for the folksy in Iowa on Friday, telling an audience that, like many people, he didn’t fully understand what Medicaid did until late in life. “You know, I have to admit, I didn’t know the differences between all these things until I got into government,” Romney said. “Then I got into it and I understood that Medicaid is the health care program for the poor, by and large.” It’s a bit of an odd claim considering that Romney, while at Bain Capital, led a $311 million buyout of a huge hospital business that drew its income primarily from health care entitlements.

AB Leadership Wednesday, Dec 14 2011

Huffington Post: The Contract With America Comes Back To Haunt Romney

On December 14, 2011, the Huffington Post reported:

In an interview with the Washington Post on Tuesday, Mitt Romney acknowledged that he was "wrong" not to sign Newt Gingrich's Contract with America when he was running for the Senate in 1994.

AB Leadership Monday, Dec 12 2011

Washington Monthly: Romney gambles on Freddie Mac attack

On December 12, 2011, Washington Monthly's Steve Benen reported:

There is, however, a problem: Romney has some Freddie Mac troubles of his own. [...] It leads to a pretty straightforward question: if Gingrich should return the money he made by working for Freddie Mac, should Romney return the money he made by investing in Freddie Mac?

AB Leadership Monday, Dec 12 2011

USA Today: Romney jabs Gingrich for 'erratic outspokenness'

On December 12, 2011, USA Today reported:

Romney, speaking to Fox News this morning, also said the former House speaker should return the money he received from Freddie Mac. Gingrich made at least $1.6 million from the mortgage giant, providing what he called "strategic advice." Gingrich responded by suggesting Romney should return money he earned while leading Bain Capital, a venture capital firm. Romney has been criticized for his work at Bain, whose leveraged buyouts of companies sometimes led to layoffs. [...] he Democratic group, American Bridge, is reminding reporters that Romney made money from his investments in Freddie Mac and Fannie Mae.

AB Leadership Thursday, Dec 8 2011

Mediaite: Christmas Warrior Rick Perry Has ‘Happy Holiday’ Skeletons In His Closet

On December 7, 2011, Mediaite reported:

Texas Governor and fallen former presidential frontrunner Rick Perry continues to revive his campaign by picking culture war fights with President Obama, releasing an ad that decries, among other things, that ” our kids can’t openly celebrate Christmas or pray in school.” As American Bridge PAC points out, though, Gov. Perry is a “Happy Holidays” hipster who took the “Christ” out of Christmas way before it was cool.

AB Leadership Thursday, Dec 8 2011

Las Vegas Review-Journal: A bridge to somewhere

On December 7, 2011, the Las Vegas Review-Journal reported:

That interview former Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney did with Fox News’s Bret Baier is really coming back to haunt him. Now, the David Brock-founded progressive group American Bridge 21st Century is questioning something Romney told Baier when the subject turned to Newt Gingrich.

AB Leadership Climate Change Thursday, Dec 8 2011

Mediaite: Oppo Tracking Video Shows Just How Epic Jon Huntsman’s Climate Change Flip Is

On December 7, 2011, Mediaite reported:

Republican bubble candidate Jon Huntsman nullified two of the things that set him apart from frontrunners Newt Gingrich and Mitt Romney yesterday when he told a group at the Heritage Foundation that “the scientific community owes us more” on climate change, and that “there’s not enough information right now to be able to formulate policies.” He staked out the “sane candidate” territory in August, and as a tracking video shot by American Bridge PAC in late October shows, Huntsman has no wiggle room on this flip.

AB Leadership Scott Brown Friday, Dec 2 2011

POLITICO: Mitt Romney and Scott Brown: Too close for comfort

On December 2, 2011, POLITICO reported:

Mitt Romney and Scott Brown have plenty in common, most notably that they’re Republicans from Massachusetts. But they also like to tell similar jokes about how the other one is cuter and more popular.

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