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AB Leadership Wednesday, Sep 7 2011

TPM: Rick Perry: 45 Year-Olds Should Really Be Talking About Retiring At Age 70 (VIDEO)

"Rick Perry, under fire for his Social Security views from all sides lately, threw another log on the blaze this weekend during a South Carolina town hall. Perry floated the idea that workers 45 years-old and younger might have to wait years longer than their elders to retire with government benefits, wading into an area of Social Security reform that is extremely controversial and politically dangerous..."

Friday, Sep 2 2011

Plain Dealer: Video cameras barred from Rep. Jim Renacci's Sept. 1 town hall meeting: Video

On September 2, 2011, the Cleaver Plain Dealer reported:

 Despite a nationwide controversy that erupted last week after Cincinnati GOP Rep. Steve Chabot refused to allow video cameras at a town hall meeting, organizers of a public meeting Thursday night with Wadsworth GOP Rep. Jim Renacci followed suit by barring a Democratic organization's cameraman from recording the event. The newly established American Bridge 21st Century Super PAC has recorded speeches by public officials and political candidates around the nation, including events held by GOP U.S. Senate candidate Kevin Coughlin of Cuyahoga Falls, and Urbana area GOP Rep. Jim Jordan, who chairs the House Republican Study Committee.

AB Leadership Friday, Sep 2 2011

POLITICO: Rick Perry's book a treasure trove for foes

"Ty Matsdorf, communications director for the Democratic research group American Bridge, said the book shows Perry “laying out what any sane or rational candidate wouldn’t even dream of saying.” “This is what he put down and there’s no backing away from it,” Matsdorf said. “I don’t think a national candidate would, in their worst nightmare, ever think about having this stuff out there.”"

AB Leadership Wednesday, Aug 31 2011

Salt Lake Tribune: Huntsman pitches wholesale tax overhaul

"Democrats also pointed to the former Utah governor’s family-owned Huntsman Corp., which now has a majority of employees overseas. Of the company’s 12,000 employees, BusinessWeek recently reported, only 2,174 are in the United States while some 1,100 are in China. "Desperately flailing to gain any type of traction in the race, Jon Huntsman is out today pushing ‘Made In America.’ But with him, it is ‘Made in China’ that has made him millions," says Ty Matsdorf, a spokesman for the liberal group, American Bridge 21st Century. "This appears to be just one more desperate attempt to breathe some much needed life into a floundering campaign."

AB Leadership Wednesday, Aug 31 2011

PolitiFact Ohio: GOP Senate candidate Kevin Coughlin says there's not much evidence to support human role in global warming – False

Politifact Ohio examined Ohio Senate candidate Kevin Coughlin's recent comments on climate change and found them false.

While a few skeptics out there disagree, there’s clear scientific consensus that global warming is occurring and that humans contribute to it. Disagreement on the subject is scant enough that we rule Coughlin’s statement is False.

AB Leadership Wednesday, Aug 31 2011

AP: Huntsman offers tax, trade plan to create jobs

On August 31, 2011, the Associate Press reported:

"The location of the announcement and emphasis on American manufacturing prompted critics to challenge Huntsman's record at the Huntsman family business. Huntsman Corp., a chemical company, employs far more workers overseas than in the United States.

Huntsman's campaign conceded that fact, but said the jobs plan would improve the business climate in this nation and help Huntsman Corp. and other businesses hire more American workers.

That did little to quiet Democratic criticism.

"It's ironic that Huntsman is pushing 'Made in America' so hard when 'Made in China' has made him millions," said Ty Matsdorf, spokesman for American Bridge, a political group allied with Democrats. "Desperately flailing to gain any type of traction in the race, apparently he will try anything to breathe some much needed life into a floundering campaign."

AB Leadership Wednesday, Aug 31 2011

Bloomberg: Perry’s Texas Friends Find Donations Dovetail With Contracts

"When Texas billionaire Harold Simmons wanted to build a radioactive waste dump, one data point that would loom large in the permitting process wasn’t required on the application: He is a major donor to Governor Rick Perry. [...] Simmons, who has donated more than $1.2 million to Perry’s campaigns, was granted the permit over the objections of some TCEQ staffers concerned the site threatened the Ogallala Aquifer, a water source for much of the plains. [...] The permit process for the site, run by Simmons’s company Waste Control Specialists LLC, a subsidiary of the publicly traded Valhi Inc. (VHI), is one example of how Perry’s donors’ close ties to the governor can influence government grants, appointments and permits. [...] “As Americans look past his swagger, they’ll see he represents more of the same lobbyist-run politics as usual that they despise,” said Rodell Mollineau, president of American Bridge 21st Century, a Washington-based Democratic opposition research group.

AB Leadership Tuesday, Aug 23 2011

Plain Dealer: GOP U.S. Senate Candidate Kevin Coughlin Calls Global Warming Science 'Sketchy'

On August 22, the Cleveland Plain Dealer reported:

A Democratic super PAC called American Bridge 21st Century sent a videographer to an Aug. 18 appearance that Coughlin made before a Strongsville tea party group called Strong Ohio. It filmed Coughlin calling the science behind global warming "sketchy," and rhetorically declaring: "I would ask the people in Pompeii who are frozen like this if an act of Congress could change their situation."

AB Leadership Thursday, Aug 18 2011

Washington Post: Bachmann On Why She Worked For IRS: "First Rule Of War Is 'Know Your Enemy'"

On August 18, 2011, the Washington Post reported:

"This is fun. Michele Bachmann, on the campaign trail today, offered what seems to be a new explanation for her previous work as a lawyer for the Internal Revenue Service, something that has drawn some ire from the right. Her explanation: She worked for the IRS as a kind of secret anti-tax mole whose mission was to get to know the place in order to better undermine it later. As she put it: “The first rule of war is `know your enemy.’” This explanation seems a bit at odds with descriptions of the episode she’s given on previous occasions, when she’s said her anti-tax fervor was the result of her work for the IRS. This version on the trail explains her work for the IRS — which spanned four years, from 1988-1992 — in a way that will be more acceptable to hard-core anti-tax conservatives." BACHMANN: “We change the economy by changing the tax code. How many of you love the IRS? No! It’s time to change it. I went to work in that system because the first rule of war is ‘know your enemy.’ So I went to the inside to learn how they work because I wanted to beat them.”
Click here to read the whole story.

AB Leadership Thursday, Aug 18 2011

WSJ: GOP Candidates: Too Many Americans Pay No Taxes

On August 17, 2011, the Wall Street Journal reported:

"A new orthodoxy has emerged in recent days on taxes: Not enough people are paying them.


And Democrats are starting to take notice.

“Republicans are falling over themselves to protect millionaires and billionaires, and now it is clear that their presidential front runners are eager to raise revenue by taxing those who are struggling day in and day out to make ends meet,” said Ty Matsdorf of American Bridge 21st Century, a new Democratic independent expenditures group tracking the GOP candidates."

More from the Wall Street Journal after the jump.

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