Rick Scott Breaks His Silence, Refuses to Denounce Ron DeSantis’s Racism
Over 24 hours after Florida Republican gubernatorial candidate Rep. Ron DeSantis made a blatantly racist comment about his African American…
Survey Says: Dean Heller’s Pre-existing Conditions Con Is A Total Flop
“It’s getting hard to keep track of just how many experts have criticized Heller’s disingenuous, harmful disgrace of a bill.…
NEW VIDEO: Ohio Law Enforcement Slams Mike DeWine Over Body Armor Scandal
Watch Ohio law enforcement officers slam DeWine “Makes me sick to my stomach” “A colossal failure of the administration of…
Hawley Allies Exaggerate His Role in Investigating Missouri’s Rape Kit Backlog to Aid His Campaign
“Missourians are learning that Josh Hawley will only do the right thing if he can take complete credit for it,…
BREAKING: DeSantis Moderates Hate-Filled Facebook Group That Attacks African-Americans, Parkland Survivors and Muslims
Read the devastating new story here American Ledger reported this afternoon that Trump yes-man Ron DeSantis is an administrator of a…
Trump: "We Did a Fantastic Job in Puerto Rico." Does Rick Scott Agree?
At a press conference today, President Trump said that his administration "did a fantastic job in Puerto Rico" -- less…
Walker Stapleton Compares KKK-Grandfather to John McCain
Listen to Stapleton’s bizarre interview Yesterday Connecticut blueblood Walker Stapleton was asked by a talk radio host about recent…
It Took 12 Hours For Ron DeSantis to Make a Racist Comment About His Opponent
Watch: Ron DeSantis on electing first African American Governor in Florida History: “We shouldn’t monkey this up” As Florida is…
NEW AD: Martha McSally Is Deeply Damaged Following “Ugly” Arizona Senate Primary
Immediately following the Arizona Senate primary election, American Bridge released a digital ad targeting newly minted Republican Senate candidate Martha…
American Bridge Launches First General Election Ad Against Trump Yes-Man Ron DeSantis
Watch the ad, “Trump’s Yes Man,” here Tomorrow, American Bridge will launch its first general election ad against new Republican…