QUICK CLIP: Rick Scott Broke His Property Tax Promise
Back in 2014, Rick Scott promised Floridians he would "prevent families' property taxes from increasing year after year." He failed…
QUICK CLIP: Horrible Boss Braun’s Career of Hypocrisy
Indiana Senate candidate Rep. Mike Braun’s abusive business record doesn’t match his self-satisfied stump speeches. Beneath Braun's bragging about his…
Alleged Rapists, Sexual Harassers, and Predators: Adam Laxalt’s Most Prominent Supporters
Washington, D.C. native and billionaire puppet Adam Laxalt wants Nevada voters to think he cares about helping victims of sexual assault. But…
Putnam and DeSantis Should Demand Republican Party of Florida Uninvite D’Souza or Pull Out of Debate
The Republican Party of Florida announced this afternoon that Dinesh D’Souza will headline an event that will also feature a debate between…
Senate Brief: GOP Primary Candidates Are Taking Off The Gloves Ahead of May’s Primaries
Week of Monday, April 30 IN BRIEF: As the first GOP Senate primaries and conventions approach, Republican candidates are taking…
New Video: Robotic Rick Scott Has Really Memorized His Stump Speech
Rick Scott has memorized his stump speech -- big time. As he tours Florida promoting his campaign for higher office, he gives…
Wynn, Broidy, Bolton: Instead of Cracking Down on Men Who Harass Women, Adam Laxalt Cashes Their Checks
In the latest sign that there is literally no one whose money he will not accept, Washington, D.C. native Adam…
Rick Scott seeks extension to disclose personal finances
"Rick Scott has proved yet again why Floridians don't trust him. Instead of being transparent and disclosing his financial interests,…
American Bridge Launches New Ad, “Steve Pearce’s The Misogynist Tale”
American Bridge launched a new digital ad today highlighting Republican candidate for NewMexico Governor Steve Pearce’s backwards views on women. The ad, titled “The MisogynistTale,” highlights Steve Pearce’s vision for a New Mexico where wives “voluntarily submit” to…
Corporate Donations Flowed To Rick Scott — After Millions in State Money Went to Them
A breaking story this afternoon reveals that Rick Scott's super-PAC took $150,000 in campaign contributions from corporate executives following massive -- and…