Was Lou Barletta Illegally Raising Campaign Cash In a Government Building?
"Under fire from his own party for lackluster fundraising, ties to Holocaust deniers and defense of a sexual harasser, Rep.…
Before SOTU, American Bridge releases web ad calling out Spineless Scott Walker
Just a few short years ago, Scott Walker once chastised President Obama after his 2015 State of The Union speech,…
American Bridge Releases Memo on Heller's Risky Record on Abortion
Senator Dean Heller will have the chance to vote on a 20-week abortion ban bill tonight for the second time since he's been…
DeSantis is No Hero To Sexual Harassment Victims
Today, Congressman Ron DeSantis announced his campaign for Governor of Florida. The Trump-loving candidate touted his record in Congress, bragging…
Following Reports About His Connections to White Nationalists, Lou Barletta Attends Event with Other Notorious White Nationalists
The same day that reports surfaced that Pennsylvania Congressman and Senate candidate Lou Barletta had connections to holocaust deniers and anti-immigrant extremists,…
GOP Senate candidate Lou Barletta did interview in 2006 with Holocaust-denying publication
An explosive new report raises serious questions about Lou Barletta's judgement and beliefs. Barletta's inflammatory views span his entire career, from…
Numbers You Won’t Hear in Gov. Scott Walker’s State of the State Address
Today, Scott Walker will give the final State of the State address of his second term. He will undoubtedly throw…
Lou Barletta STILL Defends Congressman Who Says Staffer "Invited" Sexual Harassment
As Republicans run as fast as they can from creepy Congressman Pat Meehan -- who told the New York Times…
Lou Barletta Defends Meehan As "A Great Legislator"
As Republicans flee doomed Congressman Pat Meehan -- who admitted today to making improper sexual overtures to a Capitol Hill…
QUICK CLIPS: What Floridians Are Watching About Rick Scott's Offshore Drilling Political Games
When Interior Secretary Ryan Zinke came to Florida to help Rick Scott score political points for Scott's likely Senate run,…