American Bridge Releases Ad of Heller & Trump Laughing Over Lunch About Taking Away Nevadans’ Health Care
American Bridge released a new digital ad today featuring footage of apparent best buddies Dean Heller and Donald Trump laughing together…
American Bridge Calls for Investigation Into Whether Trump Administration Used Taxpayer Funds to Falsify Trumpcare "Analysis"
American Bridge President Jessica Mackler released the following statement after the Trump Administration produced a study of Trumpcare effects that…
Guadagno doesn't like… SPRINGSTEEN????
“Fun” Fact about Kim Guadagno: According to this news anchor she interviewed with, she isn’t a fan of Bruce Springsteen.…
The Evolution of Trumpcare Lies
Donald Trump has been lying about his healthcare plans for more than a year now. The truth? He never cared…
No Staff Changes Will Clean Up Rauner’s Mess
Governor Rauner’s staff are “dropping like flies,” with a total of 20 staff members out after the legislature over-rode his…
Trumpcare Fails, But The Trump Administration Is Now Pushing Medicare Cuts
Donald Trump is breaking his promises to the American people - again - this time by endorsing cuts to Medicare.…
Dean Heller Will Still Have to Answer for Trumpcare
The effort to repeal the Affordable Care Act -- resulting in worse health care for hundreds of thousands of Nevadans…
Jeff Flake Will Still Have to Answer for Trumpcare
The effort to repeal the Affordable Care Act -- resulting in worse health care for hundreds of thousands of Arizonans…
Rick Scott Will Still Have to Answer for Trumpcare
The effort to repeal the Affordable Care Act -- resulting in worse health care for millions of Floridians -- might be…
Barletta and Kelly Will Still Have to Answer for AHCA
The effort to repeal the Affordable Care Act -- resulting in worse health care for hundreds of thousands of Pennsylvanians…