Russia Attacked Us. 7 Months Later, Trump Still Won't Admit It.
White House Press Secretary Sean Spicer today yet again refused to definitively say whether President Donald Trump believes Russia interfered in the…
Senate Trumpcare bill would gut coverage for opioid addiction treatment
American Bridge spokesperson Andrew Bates released the following statement after an Associated Press report confirmed that the Trumpcare bill Senate…
Spicer Questions: Welcome Back (For Now) Edition
American Bridge Rapid Response Director Emily Aden calls on White House Press Secretary Sean Spicer to answer the following questions: …
Trump’s sabotage of the Affordable Care Act costs the people of Washington State
Donald Trump is overtly sabotaging insurance markets as he pushes Trumpcare on the country, and it’s now costing Washington State. Today, the…
While writing Trumpcare bill in secret, McConnell evades patient advocacy groups but attends fundraisers
"Republicans are hypocritically writing a Trumpcare bill behind closed doors that leaks indicate would take health insurance from millions, make healthcare costs…
BREAKING: New Poll Shows Dean Heller Crumbling Over Trumpcare
A new PPP poll out this morning shows Dean Heller's support in Nevada crumbling as voters learn more about the Republican…
Republican Senators are Planning Even Larger Medicaid Cut in Back-Room, Secret Trumpcare Process
Senate Republicans are scheming for even bigger cuts to the Medicaid than were in the House version of Trumpcare. According…
The Senate GOP is still struggling to recruit candidates. Their problem this time? Money.
"Republicans are struggling to get their top recruits for Senate to actually take the plunge -- and no wonder. No…
Backgrounder: Gillespie's Career of Siding With Big Business Over Workers
It should be no surprise that Gillespie is getting help from one of the most anti-worker politicians in the country…
Trump's Self-Serving Trip To Florida
Donald Trump is in Miami today to distract from the fact that he's (as he admitted this morning) under investigation…