"Workforce Development?" Trump's Agenda Guts Vital Job-Training Programs
After last week's less-than-successful "Infrastructure Week" -- which, among other things, notably lacked a large-scale infrastructure investment proposal -- the…
Politics over People: Scott Walker Cozies Up to Trump Even Though His Budget Would Decimate Rural Wisconsin
While President Donald Trump headlines a high-dollar fundraiser for Scott Walker’s re-election campaign, you likely won’t hear him go into…
The Trump Economy: 1,952-And-Counting Announced Wisconsin Layoffs
Lifelong outsourcer Donald Trump is today heading to Wisconsin to talk about "workforce development" and campaign with Scott Walker, who's handed out millions…
Senate Republicans want to go back on their promises to protect pre-existing conditions
"Senate Republicans claim that, in secret, they're making Trumpcare less dangerous - but that's lipstick on a pig. Here's the…
Mnuchin just opened the door to violating ANOTHER core Trump campaign promise: cutting Social Security
"Donald Trump lied when he pledged he would not cut Social Security, Medicare, or Medicaid. Not only does Trumpcare cut…
Surprise! 28 Months Later, There's Still No Secret Trump ISIS Plan
This morning, Trump promised -- for the umpteenth time -- a "news conference in two weeks" on the fight against ISIS, which he…
In the Trump Russia investigation all roads lead back to Jeff Sessions
Jeff Sessions sits squarely at the intersection of Donald Trump’s campaign, his administration, his contact with Russia, and his potential…
Senate Republicans are hiding their Trumpcare bill from the American people
The House Trumpcare bill would cost 23 million people their insurance, gut coverage for pre-existing conditions, and slash Medicaid by…
Spicer Questions: Welcome To Workforce Development Week, Same As Infrastructure Week
American Bridge Rapid Response Director Emily Aden calls on White House Press Secretary Sean Spicer to answer the following questions: …
Getting to "Yes": Heller Admits He Supports Ending Medicaid Expansion
Heller Flips on His Promise and His Only Condition to Supporting Trumpcare Dean Heller promised that he would not "pull the rug…