Hogan sides with Trump on climate and against Maryland jobs
“Following his veto of a bill that would increase the use of renewable energy in the state and add more…
DeVos Can't Defend Her And Trump's Cruel Education Budget
"This is a difficult budget request to defend." Even Senator Roy Blunt, who has over the years benefited from more than $35,000 in…
Trump and GOP Leaders Meet to Plot Trumpcare Strategy
Today, Trump and Republican leaders will meet to discuss Trumpcare at the White House. American Bridge President Jessica Mackler made…
Will Dean Heller "Get To A Yes" In Today's Senate Healthcare Meeting?
Today, Senate Republicans are meeting in secret to decide what disastrous ideas to include in their healthcare bill. In response, American…
Trump’s sabotage of the Affordable Care Act costs the people of Ohio
Donald Trump is overtly sabotaging insurance markets as he pushes Trumpcare on the country, and it’s now costing Ohio. Today, Anthem announced that as…
Spicer Questions: Solving Terrorism One Tweet At A Time Edition
American Bridge Rapid Response Director Emily Aden calls on White House Press Secretary Sean Spicer to answer the following questions: …
Rick Scott's secret budget deal panned by Florida papers
The negative editorials are rolling in for Florida Gov. Rick Scott and Florida Republicans as Floridians learn just how dirty…
Even Trump's Own Administration Can't Defend Trump's Tweets
Trump's latest unhinged tweets have fact checked as false by the Associated Press and have the lawyers opposing Trump travel ban popping champagne,…
Vice President Pence, did HHS shake-down health insurance companies to push Trumpcare or not?
Today, Mike Pence will hold a staged "listening session" on Trumpcare with Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services Administrator Seema…
Will Trump Finally Apologize to Gold Star Families?
Donald Trump, who said he felt like a "great and very brave soldier" for avoiding sexually transmitted diseases while dating…