Editorials Agree: Donald Trump Can't Be Trusted With Classified Information
Donald Trump is being bombarded by another round of scathing editorials from across the country, this time questioning his judgement…
American Bridge, 90+ Groups Demand Independent Trump/Russia Commission
American Bridge is one of more than 90 organizations signing a letter demanding that Congress and the Department of Justice…
Six Must-See Moments From Sally Yates’ CNN Interview
Remember it took President Trump eighteen days to fire Michael Flynn after the White House was warned he was compromised…
NEW Listing: $28 Million For The U.S. Presidency
"After promising 'no new deals,' Trump just officially put his presidency on the market by inviting special interests to buy…
Hypocrisy Alert: GOP Senate Hopefuls Cared *A Lot* About Classified Information Last Year
Back in 2016 and earlier, ambitious Republican politicians scored political points by feigning outrage over the handling of classified information.…
American Bridge Targets GOP Senate Hopefuls With Google Search Ads on Trump and Russia
Following Trump's Leak To Russians, Ads Will Pressure Republicans To Support An Independent Investigation Republican members of Congress considering a…
Front Pages From Across The Country
Americans all across the United States are waking up this morning to news that their President tried to obstruct the…
For Shame: Hogan Empowering And Enriching Trump By Staying At His Miami Resort
Governor Hogan can’t have it both ways: align himself with Trump when it’s politically convenient and stay silent when it’s…
Five Troubling Facts McMaster Confirmed At The Podium
Based on General H.R. McMaster's dumpster fire briefing, it's wholly appropriate to assume Trump put our national security and intelligence…
4 Things We've Learned About Trump Leaking Highly Classified Info To Russia
Trump Effectively Admitted He Gave Classified Information To Russia, Something the White House Hasn't Denied Trump Tweet: "As President I wanted…