Tonight Should Be Awkward For President Trump
Tonight, Senators John McCain and Lindsey Graham, two of the most vocal Republican critics of Donald Trump, will be dining at…
The Trumpcare "compromise" is an assault on Americans with pre-existing conditions
"These details, released only to Republicans, confirm Trumpcare would now go beyond costing 26 million Americans their health insurance and…
Senate GOP Recruitment Stalls in Trump's First 100 Days
"Potential GOP candidates...are afraid of walking into a buzz saw." - Politico Four months into the 2018 campaign for U.S. Senate,…
The U.S. State Department is promoting a privately-owned Trump family business
Statement from American Bridge VP Shripal Shah on the U.S. government promoting a Trump family business: "Aggressively begging foreign countries to…
ICYMI: Poll: 73% Back Independent Probe of Russian Election Interference
Just last week, American Bridge released the results of a new poll that showed persuadable voters in swing House districts are deeply concerned…
American Bridge Launches Week-Long Effort On Trump's Disastrous First 100 Days In Office
New Website, Research Reports, and Digital Ads to Chronicle Trump Failures A week-long series of digital ads backed by research…
Spicer Questions: Final Countdown Edition
With one week left for the Trump White House to manufacture some accomplishments before we mark 100 days, Trump War… After Heller's Disastrous Town Hall, How Long Will He Avoid Nevadans?
Tick... Tick... Tick... After His Disastrous Town Hall, How Long Will Dean Heller Avoid Nevadans? Today, Senator Dean Heller returns…
Time Is Up: Gorka Has Got to Go
"It is time for Nazi-sympathizer and widely discredited counter-terrorism aide Seb Gorka to go. Period. It's a disgrace that Gorka…
"No New Deals"? Trump Sons Expanding Business, Talking to Dad
In December 2016, Donald Trump promised "no new deals will be done during my term(s) in office.” He's repeatedly broken…