Republicans Just Admitted That Trumpcare Would Hurt Seniors
Last week, just after a Fox News poll found that only 34% of American voters support Trumpcare, Donald Trump himself told Tucker Carlson that…
Comey Hearing: 5 Key Takeaways
Today FBI Director James Comey and NSA Director Michael Rogers testified before the House Intelligence Committee on Donald Trump and his…
Spicer Questions: Day 1 Gorsuch and Russia Hearings Edition
It's a busy day on the Hill for the Trump White House. As White House Press Secretary Sean Spicer takes…
#SpinelessGOP: Empty Suit Edition
In town halls across the country this weekend, as more and more Americans demand answers for Donald Trump’s flailing presidency,…
The Russia Connection Web Series: Roger Stone
Today, Bridge Project is launching a new web series that outlines the numerous direct ties between officials in Donald Trump’s inner…
ICYMI: Tillerson: ‘I’m not a big media press access person’
"Rex Tillerson isn't a big media person like Michael Flynn wasn't a big disclose your financial ties to Russia person. …
Heller Shamelessly Panders After Voting Over 20 Times to Repeal ACA
In response to Sen. Dean Heller's shameless election-time pander, American Bridge President Jessica Mackler made the following statement: "Senator Heller…
Gorsuch Needs To Reveal More For Thorough Judiciary Hearing
Neil Gorsuch is going to face tough questioning at his Senate Judiciary Committee hearing next week because there's still a…
Trumpcare would devastate American families while cutting taxes for… Donald Trump
At the very same time that Trumpcare would strip 24 million people of their health coverage and disproportionately hit low-income, rural,…
Degrees of Russian separation: Trump adviser Roger Stone’s hacker ties
We know that Russia played a role in the 2016 election. We also know that our president, Donald Trump,…