Trump Winning The Hearts And Minds… Of The Russian People
Donald Trump's praise for Vladimir Putin and pivot to a shockingly pro-Russia foreign policy doctrine has made him quite the…
Trump's Trade Fever Dream Threatens Americans
Among Donald Trump’s many dangerous fantasies is his claim that a “trade war” would be good for working Americans. The truth is Trump’s…
Trump's Real Record On Equal Pay and Working Families
At the RNC convention in Cleveland last month, Ivanka Trump claimed that Donald Trump would be fantastic for women and working families. Following in…
Trump Opposes The Federal Minimum Wage
Forget raising the federal minimum wage, if Donald Trump gets his way, there won't be a federal minimum wage at all. When Trump was asked…
Trump First: Trump’s Economic Policies Help Him, Hurt Us
In his speech this afternoon on trade and the economy, Donald Trump will certainly bemoan outsourcing that shifts “our jobs,…
Trump's Tax Plan Is Extremely Dangerous
Trump’s tax plan “would make the national debt skyrocket by $10 trillion or more.” Moody’s Analytics found that Trump’s tax reform proposal…
Trump's Record Of Opposing American Jobs And Auto Rescue
Today in Michigan Donald Trump promised to bring back jobs to America. One look at Trump's record, though, and the GOP…
Angry Unhinged Buddies Take The Granite State By Storm
New Hampshire State Rep. Al Baldasaro, who made national news a couple weeks ago calling for Hillary Clinton to be…
WATCH: Trump Train Plunges Off The Tracks
The Trump Train is coming off the rails. As Trump's support craters and prominent GOP voices--though, notably, no vulnerable candidates…
New Digital Ads Highlights Senate GOP's Unwavering Support For Trump
American Bridge is releasing a new digital ad campaign highlighting vulnerable GOP senate candidates' unwavering support for Donald Trump, even…