Donald Trump's Sham "University" Used Predatory Sales Tactics
Trump University sales manuals released yesterday reveal that the sham Trump institution's sales representatives were instructed to gather targets' personal information --…
Seven Most Shocking Trump U Document Revelations
Trump University sales documents read like a how to guide for setting up a high pressure con to trick people…
Searchable Trump U Documents Released
Following a court order by U.S. District Court Judge Gonzalo Curiel--a man derided by Donald Trump as a "hater" and a "Mexican," (despite…
More Tax Return Hypocrisy From Donald Trump
After months of stalling and lies, Donald Trump, who steadfastly refuses to release his own tax returns, is still stalling --…
Reminder: Johnson Aides Ignored Tomah VA Tips, Senator Blamed "Job Interviews and Stuff"
Senator Ron Johnson is still trying to pawn off the blame for the issues at the Tomah VA that lead…
Trump's Military Record
“I always thought I was in the military. I felt like I was in the military in a true sense."…
WATCH: Trump "goes through the roof" if his wife doesn't have dinner ready
Don't worry, Donald Trump doesn't want to sound like a chauvinist but there are consequences if his wife doesn't have…
Introducing Tower Of Lies: New American Bridge Website Focuses On Trump's Lies
Donald Trump's lies have taken on a life of their own, transcending "Pants on Fires" and "Pinocchios" to become something much more…
Foreclosure Profiting Buddies — Trump And His Fundraising Host Tonight
It's fitting that Donald Trump chose to hold one of his first GOP fundraisers at the home of a fellow foreclosure profiteer…
Trump's Employees Marked "C" for "Colored"
Donald Trump, the man who regularly boasts about "never settling" lawsuits settled a 1973 suit brought by the Justice Department…