Non-Self Funder Trump Brings On Top Bundler To Raise "Historic" Money
Despite his persistent claims to the contrary, Donald Trump still isn't self-funding his campaign. (Trump yet again lied about not taking…
Colorado Senate Candidates Clamber Aboard The Trump Train
The Republican field of United States Senate candidates in Colorado is in fierce competition to determine who is more #PartyOfTrump. As they…
Anti-Semitism Emanating From Trump Camp
Donald Trump's history of anti-Semitic comments, refusal to disavow the KKK, penchant for re-tweeting white supremacists and neo-Nazis, and near-constant…
Trump Won't Raise Taxes On The Wealthy–He Will Make Millions
Following a confusing explanation of his tax plan on Meet The Press, rumors circulated that Donald Trump may be open…
Pat Toomey: "I hope to… enthusiastically support Donald Trump."
In a radio interview this morning, Senator Pat Toomey said he might not be able to support Donald Trump, but he'd really,…
McCrory's Intransigence Puts Education Dollars At Risk
Governor Pat McCrory's predictable response to the challenge the Justice Department's letter finding HB2 to be discriminatory in court puts North Carolina…
WATCH: Trump's Harsh Minimum Wage Reality
This weekend, Donald Trump called for eliminating the federal minimum wage. That comes as no surprise because it fits right in…
Get This: Trump Thinks Women Have It Easier Than Men
Donald Trump at a rally in Spokane, Washington today continued to prove that he's nothing more than a out-of-touch misogynist…
Rob Portman: "I'm Supporting Donald Trump For President."
Removing any doubt about his place in the #PartyOfTrump, Senator Rob Portman made his position clear today in an interview…
Start Your Day With Donald Clips You Might Have Missed (And A Drink)
Donald Trump's rally in Eugene last night was wild even by his standards, so we took the liberty of compiling…