Pro-Putin, Anti-Immigrant-And-Minimum-Wage Birther Endorses Donald Trump
She's baaackkk. Sarah Palin is making waves in the Republican Primary today with her endorsement of fellow birther Donald Trump.…
Another Day, Another Two Common-Sense Gun Safety Bills Vetoed By Chris Christie
In the Party of Trump, controlled by a right-wing, red meat-craving base with xenophobic tendencies, the more extreme a candidate's…
"Meet Marco Rubio, Donald Trump's Echo"
Marco Rubio's spent the last six months trying to prove he's just like Donald Trump. Rubio's promoting Trump's aggressive anti-immigrant…
Here Are The 6 Sitting Lawmakers That Opposed MLK Day, 5 Are Up For Re-Election
Today, we remember and honor Martin Luther King, Jr., but there are still six sitting lawmakers that voted against creating…
"The GOP fear-fest in South Carolina"
The GOP presidential primary was never about hope and optimism. For months, candidates like Donald Trump and Ted Cruz have…
WATCH: The Rumble Of Grumbles: Debate Edition
Rock bottom just keeps getting lower and lower. When they weren't throwing punches last night, the Republicans were stumbling through…
GOP Field: We're Just Like Trump On Immigration, Please Vote For Us
For months, the Republican presidential primary has been fueled by anti-immigrant rhetoric. Donald Trump may have built the fire, but…
Seniors Will Medicare About GOP Cutting Social Security And Medicare
With more than one million South Carolinians benefiting from Social Security and over 900,000 from Medicare, one would think Republicans would work…
GOP Tax Plans: Good For Their Billionaire Special Interest Backers, Bad For Working People & The Middle Class
It's clear who the GOP is most interested in impressing tonight: special interest billionaires like the Koch brothers who could bankroll…