In Academia, As In The Senate, Marco Rubio Failed To Meet His Obligations
Marco Rubio's prolific Senate absenteeism and field-leading missed votes have been the target of repeated criticism over the last months. Why…
Miami Based Spanish-Language Paper Highlights Rubio's Anti-Immigrant Extremism
Since abandoning his 2012 attempt at immigration reform in order to politically cash in on the issue, Marco Rubio has adopted…
Credibility Counts And Other Lessons From Louisiana
MEMO TO: Interested Parties FROM: Jessica Mackler, President, American Bridge 21st…
NOT THE ONION: Vitter's Election Eve Spent At Men's Only Event
Senator Serious Sin is at it again. Tonight, David Vitter will join the "Real Men" conference in Gonzales. According to its website,…
WATCH: Middle East Ground War — A Bush Family Tradition
In a shock to no one, we've got a third Bush calling for another large-scale ground invasion in the Middle…
GOP Frontrunners Compare Refugees To Dogs, Call For National Registry Of American Muslims
Consensus front-runner for the GOP presidential nomination Donald Trump's ready to look "very closely" at forcing American Muslims to register in…
Rubio Chooses Fundraisers Over Classified Paris ISIS Briefings
In the wake of ISIS attacks in Paris, Marco Rubio yesterday chose to fundraise in California over attending a classified Foreign Relations…
Jeb Bush Goes Full Dubya: Calls For Troops On The Ground Against ISIS
Jeb has spent most of his campaign fumbling as he attempts to get out of his big brother's shadow, but…
American Bridge 21st Century and Latino Victory Fund Launch Digital Ad Campaign Highlighting GOP Anti-Immigrant Comments
Washington, DC - Today, American Bridge 21st Century and Latino Victory Fund launched a digital ad campaign highlighting Marco Rubio's, Donald Trump's,…
Vitter Skipped Syria Hearings, Biological Warfare Hearing
For immediate release: November 16th, 2015 Vitter Skipped Syria Hearings, Biological Warfare Hearing American Bridge 21st Century…