Rubio: I don't like my job and I don't think I'm gonna go anymore
Sounds like Marco Rubio's got a case of the Mondays... Sometimes you just don't feel like heading into the office.…
Rand Paul Confirms GOP Rebrand Remains Indefinitely Postponed
In the latest confirmation that the Republican Party plans to indefinitely postpone its big rebrand, Rand Paul today said: "I'm not a big fan…
New Web Ad: Rubio Translated for Spin
Marco Rubio tries to hide it, but his views rank with the most extreme right-wingers of his party. In order…
Marco Rubio's Policies Put Benefits For Seniors And Future Retirees At Risk
American Bridge President Jessica Mackler released the following statement in response to Marco Rubio's extreme and out-of-touch policy that would hurt seniors:…
With A 27% Favorability Rating, Ron Johnson Does A "Full Flop" On Ex-Im
Senator Ron Johnson is vulnerable. A recent Wisconsin poll has Johnson losing re-election to the Senate, with a 27% favorability rating. It's not…
Rubio May Have Violated Ethics Rules & Broke Federal Law
Marco Rubio yesterday in an interview with Fox News from a senate office building urged viewers to "chip in" to…
Rubio, Trying To Trump Donald, Signs On To Vitter Anti-Immigrant Bill
So much for Marco Rubio saving the GOP from Donald Trump and the rest of the presidential field's runaway anti-immigrant rhetoric. Today,…
Rubio Shows Support For Discriminatory RFRA Laws With AR State Chairman Pick
Marco Rubio has been repeatedly criticized for his outdated ideas and policies on issues such as energy and women's health.…
"Being Like Romney Is A Good Thing, Right?" — Jeb Bush, Probably
Yesterday morning, Marco Rubio joined his mentor Jeb Bush in criticizing the "free stuff" strategy. Apparently Jeb saw that as an opening…
NEW VIDEO: Marco Rubio's Hypocrisy On Working Families
Marco Rubio yesterday borrowed from Jeb Bush's playbook of revealing just how out of touch and extreme his positions are,…