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AB Leadership News News Articles Donald Trump Education Health Care Thursday, Feb 6 2025


News Tom Barrett Education Thursday, Feb 6 2025

Well That Was a Load of Horse Sh*t — Rep. Tom Barrett’s Claims That the GOP’s Funding Freeze Wouldn’t Impact Schools Was Wrong

News News Articles Donald Trump Marco Rubio Wednesday, Feb 5 2025

Trump’s Chaotic State Department

News Press Releases John Cornyn Joni Ernst Susan Collins Thom Tillis Tuesday, Feb 4 2025

Spineless GOP Senators Up for Reelection Vote to Confirm Prominent Election Denier Pam Bondi

Wednesday, Jun 24 2015

Walker Leaves Wisconsin In His Harley's Rear-View

Scott Walker is running for president and Wisconsin is paying the price. As reported by The New York Times yesterday,"Critics say the…

Wednesday, Jun 24 2015

This presidential candidate just reached zero percent nationally

Who is Bobby Jindal? The GOP is so eager to elect an extreme conservative that Bobby Jindal is jumping into the race – a…

Monday, Jun 22 2015

Republicans Fight Losing Battle With Pope On Climate Change

Republicans like Jeb Bush and Rick Santorum -- and the Koch brothers -- ignored the writing on the wall when they fought a losing battle with Pope Francis and the reams of science behind human-caused climate change. Instead, they took on more than they could chew and made sure their climate change denialism will be a major issue this election. Here's what happens when you're on the losing side of an argument with the pope: Washington Post: How Climate-Change Doubters Lost a Papal Battle. “Yet the battle lost over climate change also suggests how hard it may be for critics to blunt the power of a man who has become something of a juggernaut in an institution where change tends to unfold over decades, even centuries. More than anything, to those who doubt the human impact of global warming, the position staked out by Francis in his papal document, known as an encyclical, means a major defeat…

Monday, Jun 22 2015

Faith and Freedom Roundup — Social Conservative Edition

The Republican candidates' extreme positions on social issues were front and center this weekend at the Faith and Freedom Road to Majority, cosponsored with Concerned Women for America. American Bridge was on site, through the bomb threat and all, to document Jeb Bush touting his role with Terri Schiavo, Chris Christie bragging that he vetoed Planned Parenthood funding, and Marco Rubio talking up religious discrimination.
For more from this weekend, let's go to the tape:

Thursday, June 18th
  • Marco Rubio's dog whistle to religious conservatives on Hobby Lobby and religious discrimination laws. YouTube
  • Ted Cruz announces 2016 will be the "religious liberty election." YouTube
  • Steve King calls for civil disobedience over gay marriage. YouTube

Friday, Jun 19 2015

MEMO: Social Issues Front and Center at Faith and Freedom Conference

The gravitational pull of religious conservatives at this weekend’s Faith and Freedom Conference in D.C. is too much to resist for the Republican presidential field. Look no further than their partner, Concerned Women of America, to see that social issues will be front and center. For a primer on the Koch-backed CWA, read Bridge Project’s just-released report here. Jeb Bush, Marco Rubio, Scott Walker, Rand Paul, Ted Cruz, and the rest of the GOP contingency (remember Chris Christie?) will be speaking in between breakout sessions on “The War On Christianity: How Religious Freedom Is Under Attack” and “Tolerance Vs. True Love: When it Takes Courage to Protect Your Conscience & Compassion to Reach the Lost.” Attendees will be demanding their speeches focus on social conservative issues; after all, that’s why they’ve all trekked to Washington.

News Friday, Jun 19 2015

Jeb! Didn't Last Long

Jeb Bush's formal entry into the presidential race this week lowered the bar for White House aspirants everywhere. Not since Ludacris has America been forced to endure such a terrible "roll-out." For a typical candidate, the attention gleaned from a campaign announcement results in a media honeymoon. Bush, however, is not your average candidate; he's plagued by his lockstep support for his brother's unpopular polices and positions that are either toxic to the conservative base or unacceptable to the general electorate. A scratch beneath the surface of his record as governor and in the private sector reveals a reality not matched by his rhetoric. Whether its challenging the pope, promoting cuts to social security, or giving the voters and the conservative base more reason for suspicion, Bush's campaign is tripping over itself right out of the gates.

News Tuesday, Jun 16 2015

Jeb! In NH: Privatizing Social Security? My Brother Tried, 'Next President' Will Too

Speaking in New Hampshire today Jeb! showed that his ties to his brother's unpopular policies don't stop with Iraq.  Watch American Bridge tracking footage of Jeb! taking passive-aggressive shots at Social Security and telling voters that while his brother tried and failed to privatize it, the "next president" would "try again."

News Tuesday, Jun 16 2015

I'mma let you finish… but 'I'm really rich'

The moment we've all been waiting for: Donald Trump is running for president. Like a bald eagle flying down from…

News Tuesday, Jun 16 2015

Campaigning On "Crap"

Scott Walker's week is quickly nose-diving into another disaster for the governor. Frustrated with his continued absence from important budget decisions, Wisconsin Republicans aren't wavering on their rejection of the governor's "crap budget." Meanwhile, Walker's flagship jobs program, the Wisconsin Economic Development Corporation (WEDC), still can't get taxpayers' money back from the outsourcing company it loaned it to. Already receiving criticism for phoning it in, these latest developments promise to ruin the very reputation Walker is counting on to win.

From the Associated Press:

While Scott Walker's fellow Republicans were grousing about his budget plan and part of his proposal to overhaul higher education, the governor was more than 1,000 miles away, gripping the wheel of the Mt. Washington cruise boat on New Hampshire's Lake Winnipesaukee.

And when lawmakers met Monday night to reach a final deal on other elements of that budget, the likely presidential candidate was in Canada on his fourth international trip in less than five months.

News Monday, Jun 15 2015

MEMO: Jeb Bush Enters Phase Two

Jeb Bush is launching Phase Two of his campaign today and is hoping to overcome what has been an underwhelming start. He’s still the same out-of-touch Republican who’s carrying over his brother’s policies and misrepresenting his record to squeeze it into something that passes for a 2016 winning message. Unfortunately for Jeb, he’s facing the same problems among conservatives in the GOP primary and independents in the general election – nobody thinks he should be president. Maybe Jeb Bush’s campaign slogan should be “Right to Return” – return to his brother’s failed foreign policy and tax cuts for the wealthy.  He’s already returned to a spectacularly failed shock and awe strategy.  In the last week, Bush has demoted his campaign manager-in-waiting, reminded voters that he would publicly shame unwed mothers, “offered little to differentiate himself from Obama” on his trip to Europe, and sent conflicting signals about whether his super PAC will or won’t raise the $100 million he set as the goal in January. (Not to mention the goal was originally to raise $100 million by March.) Now Jeb is starting his campaign trailing Lord Voldemort and in a virtual tie with Scott Walker, Marco Rubio, and Ben Carson.

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